Saturday, February 23, 2013

How to Stop Crimes - A Study of Causes and Remedies for Crimes

The ongoing incidents of bomb blasts, rapes, and other violent incidents, again and again, reminds us of the brutal nature and heinous mentality innate among human beings. In spite of all our harsh measures and precautions, we are unable to control this part of human nature. Man becomes so much violent that you can't stop him. We become helpless in such circumstances and can only pray to God to calm him and give him a little bit of good mentality.

Weaknesses of Man

Every man possesses this bad element in him whether it may be very nominal or vast. But most of us are able to assess what is right and wrong and thereby able to control this bad element from being expressed explicitly. Even then, at times, we are unable to have full control over it and express it through our anger or some violent acts like quarreling and beating, etc. Most of us may be considering these things as normal human behavior and are not worried about it.

Lack of Self-Control

But, some men do not have even the slightest amount of this capacity to judge what is right and what is wrong. And, thereby, they are unable to control themselves. That is why they act very emotionally and wickedly. They will not be thinking about the after effects of their behavior. Simply, they act spontaneously. Some of them may be repenting for their behavior later. But most of them do not have even the sense that they have done something wrong. They do not at all think of it and forget it immediately.

Mental Problems and Environmental Factor

Now, these type of men are to be considered as mentally ill, underdeveloped, and not capable of living or adjusting to their surroundings. That's why they often try to exhibit their feelings violently. Most of these cases may be due to the environmental conditions in which they are brought up, the circles they live in and interact with; the education and training that they receive from unsocial elements and might also be due to their poor economic conditions which are creating jealousy and hatred. All these factors make these men be insensitive, irrational, cruel, and helpless. They are more worried about their present condition and so, lose control over their senses thereby acting spontaneously. This makes them do all those bad things for some immediate gains.

Ignorance and Lack of Awareness/ Support

So, it needs that we should try to inculcate some awareness and healthy feelings among these men to make them understand what is right and wrong or good and bad. These people require proper education and guidance from their families, friends, relatives, communities, and organizations. From the beginning itself, they should be taught to be rational, kind, and good-natured. For this, they should be given assistance, care, love, and support in all their weaknesses thereby developing a good mental health in them. They should be given all psychological guidance needed to recover themselves. This can make them realize their weaknesses and faults and help them restrain from committing crimes.

Remedies to Stop Crimes

The immediate step that we must take is to eradicate this bad element of brutal thoughts from men by giving them proper guidance, assistance, and love.

Unless all of us determine to eradicate evils from the roots of our society, the crimes cannot be controlled or stopped.

By simply providing tighter securities or making the criminal laws more stringent, we cannot solve this problem.

We need to work out from the root causes and circumstances of crimes.

Need to nullify those fundamental roots by taking preventive steps and by imparting a proper awareness of basic moral values and human values from the early stages of their growth.