Monday, October 8, 2018

Sri Lakshmi Ashtottara Stotram - Performing Lakshmi Puja with Hymns Containing 108 Names

Lakshmi Ashtottara Stotram is the lyrical recitation of hymns containing108 names composed for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi.

It is believed that Lord Shiva mentioned these lyrics to Parvati Devi at her request. She requested Shiva to let her know the greatness of Goddess Lakshmi and the lyrics that can be recited to appease her so that people can get Her blessings.

This article contains and elaborates on the undermentioned parts of Sri Lakshmi Ashtottara ShataNama Stotram.

  • Goddess Lakshmi's Glorification with Prayer
  • Prelude (it is about the talk between Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva that mentions the greatness of Lakshmi Ashtottaram)
  • Salutations or prayers to Sri Lakshmi before starting the ashtottara stotram
  • The hymns or stotrams containing 108 names of Lakshmi (hymns 1 to 14)
  • Surrendering to Goddess Lakshmi (hymns 15 and 16)
  • Benefits of reciting these hymns (hymns 17 to 21)


Sri bhagavan NAraayanaabhi mataanuroopa

Prelude to the Lakshmi Stotram

DEvyuvAcha: (Goddess Parvati said)

Deva, Deva, Mahadeva trikaalajna maheswara
karunaakara devesha bhaktaanugraha kaaraka
ashtottara shatam lakshmyaa srOtumiccchaami tattvata:

(O Lord, Lord of all Lords, who is well aware of all the three phases of time -the past, present, and the future, who is an abode of kindness, I want to hear the 108 names of Lakshmi with their full essence for the sake of our devotees.)

IshwaruvAcha: (Lord Shiva told)

Before reciting the ashtottara stotram, Lord Shiva narrates the significance and greatness of Lakshmi Ashtottara Stotram to Parvati in these following verses.

Devi, saadhu, mahAbhAgE! mahAbhAgya pradAyakam|
sarvaishwara karam puNyam sarva pApa praNAshanam||

(O Devi, very good, I feel lucky to do so! It provides great fortune and prosperity, does good to all beings, and  destroys all evils.)

sarva dAridrya shamanam, sravaNAt, bhukti muktidam|
rAjavashya karam divyam guhyAtguhyatamam param||

(It removes all poverty, provides material gifts and liberation only by hearing at it. Provides majestic look, precious life that is both imaginable and unimaginable.)

durlabham sarvadEvAnAm chatushshashti kaLAshpadam|
padmAdeenAm varAmtAnAm nidheenAm nityadAyakam||

(It is inaccessible even to the angels and the masters of 64 arts. Greater than all lotuses, bountiful than all bounties, a more valuable treasure of all the treasures.)

samasta dEva samsEvya maNimAdyasta siddhidam|
kimatra bahunOktEna dEviipratyaksha dAyakam|

(who is served by all the angels, the possessor of all treasures and the supernatural powers known as eight siddhis, by the utterance of which that Goddess reveals herself to you.)

tavapriityAdya vakshyAmi samAhitamanAshruNuh:|
ashtOttara shatasyAsya mahAlakshmiistu dEvatA||

(for your pleasure, kindly listen with your full heart this composition of the 108 names of Mahalakshmi Goddess.)

kliim beezapada mityuktam shaktistu bhuvanEswarii
anganyAsah: karanyAsa: sah: ityAdi prakiirtitah:||

(The Goddes who is the Queen of all universes, who is the Almighty energy that is embodied and referred to in the four seed mantras or sounds of aum- aim, hreem, shreem, kliim- and she is worshipped through body signs, hand signs, and through many ways.)

Prayer To Goddess Lakshmi

vandE padmakarAm prasanna vadanAm soubhAgyadAm bhAgyadAm|
hastAbhyAm abhayapradAm maNigaNair nAnAvidhair bhooshitAm||

(I pray to Thee, who is lotus-handed, possesses a smiling face, bestows wellness and prosperity, who gestures the protection sign with her hands, and who is adorned with different kinds of jewels.)

bhaktAbhiista phalapradAm harihara brahmAdibhih: sEvitAm|
pArsvE pankaja shankha padma nidibhiryuktAm sadA shaktibhi:||

(you are the bestower of devotees' wishes, yourself being served by Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma, etc.; holding on your sides the weapon of the Wheel, Conch, Lotus, and other precious things. You are the ever-powerful Goddess.)

sarasija nayanE sarOja hastE dhavaLatarAmshuka gandhamAlya sObhE|
bhagavathi harivallabhE manOgjnE tribhuvana bhoota kari praseeda mahyam||

(O lotus-eyed Goddess! lotus-handed and adorned with the garlands of fragrant white flowers; O Supreme Goddess, consort of Vishnu (Hari), who is handsome and pleasant, please bless all the beings of the three worlds forever.)

Now, let us come to the actual slokas of Lakshmi Ashtottara Stotram.

Lakshmi Ashtottara ShataNama Stotram Lyrics

prakritim vikritim vidhyAm sarvabhoota hita pradAm
shraddhAm vibhootim surabhim namAmi paramAtmikAm|| 1

(I pray to Thee who is the embodiment of Natural force, unnatural force, knowledge, protection for all beings, care, incarnation power, fragrance, the supreme soul.)

vAcham padmAlayAm padmAm suchim svAhAm svadhAm sudhAm
dhanyAm hiraNmayiim lakshmiim nityapushtAm vibhAvariim|| 2

(pleasantly talkative, having the lotus as the abode, lotus-resembling, pure, ultimate, self-powered, herself the nectar, blessed one, gold-studded, ever healthy, wealthy)

aditim cha ditim deeptAm vasudhAm vasudhAriNiim
namAmi kamalAm kAntAm kAmAkshiim krodhasambhavAm|| 3

(the limitless One and at the same a limited One, the ever-shining light, she is the Earth and at the same time the One who holds the earth, I bow to thee, O Lotus-Like Beautiful One, one with lovely eyes, one who is born again out of anger)

anugraha pradAm buddhi managhAm harivallabhAm
ashOkAm amrutAm deeptAm lOkashOka vinAshiniim|| 4

(bestower of grace, the abode of wisdom, virtuous, possessing Hari as her consort, griefless one, deathless, the abode of light, destructor of worldly sorrows)

namAmi dharma nilayAm karuNAm lOkamAtaram
padmapriyAm padma hastAm padmAkshiim padmasundariim|| 5

(Salutations! O Abode of Righteousness and Kindness, Mother of Universe, One who loves Lotuses, Holds lotus in hand, Lotus-Resembling Eyed, Beautiful like the Lotus)

padmOdbhavAm padmamukhiim padmanAbhapriyAm ramAm
padmamAlAdharAm dEviim padminiim padmagandhiniim|| 6

(One who rose from Padma or Lotus, Lotus-faced, Beloved of Vishnu, O RamAdEvi, One who wears the lotus garland, O Goddess Padmini, Who is Lotus-Scented)

puNyagandhAm suprasannAm prasAdAbhimukhiim prabhAm
namAmi chandravadanAm chandrAm chandrasahOdariim|| 7

(One who emits purity, pleasingly generous, one who loves offerings, O Light, I bow to Thee O Moon-Like-Faced, O Moon-Resembled, Sister of the Moon)

chaturbhujAm chandraroopA mindirA mindushiitalAm
aahlaadajananiim pushtiim shivAm shivakariim satiim|| 8

(O Four-Handed, Moon-Like-Figured, beautiful like blue lotus, pleasingly cool, provider of happiness, well-built, blissful, provider of bliss, virtuous)

vimalAm vishvajananiim pushtim dAridrya nAsiniim
priitipushkariNiim shAntAm shuklamalyAmbarAm shriyam|| 9

(O Blemishless, mother of Universe, abundance, destroyer of poverty, the abode of love, peaceful One, white-garlanded, Goddess of wealth)

bhAskariim bilvanilayAm varArOhAm yashasviniim
vasundharA mudArAngAm hariNiim hEmamAliniim || 10

(O Brilliance, the native of the spiritual Bilva trees, accessible by boons, famous One, holder of the earth, soft-hearted, deer-like bodied, garlanded with gold)

dhanadhAnyakariim siddhim sthraiNasoumya subhapradAm
nripavEshmagatAnandAm varalakshmiim vasupradAm|| 11 

(provider of wealth and food, supernal powers, steadfastness, softness, and welfare provider, One who rejoices in palaces, bestower of gifts, and brilliance provider)

subhAm hiraNyaprAkArAm samudratanayAm jayAm
namAmi mangaLAm dEviim vishnu vakshasthala stithAm|| 12

(auspicious one, dweller amidst golden surroundings, daughter of Ocean, goddess of victory, salutations to auspicious one, Goddess of angels, one who resides in the heart of Vishnu)

vishnupatniim prasannAkshiim nArAyaNa samAshritAm
dAridrya dhvansiniim dEviim sarvOpadrava vAriNiim|| 13

(O Consort of Vishnu, merciful-eyed, dedicated to Narayana, the destructor of poverty, O Devi, remover of all problems)

navadurgAm mahAkALiim brahmavishNu sivAtmikAm
trikAlajnAna sampannAm namAmi bhuvanEswariim|| 14

(O Nine-Formed One; Goddess Mahakali; beloved by Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva; possessor of the knowledge of past, present, and future; Salutations to Thee, O Goddess of Worlds)

The above 14 hymns are composed of the 108 names of Goddess Lakshmi. Each name qualifies a special power or feature of Her.

Surrendrance to Goddess Lakshmi

The following two hymns of four lines are recited to express your devotion and thereby confirm your submission to her refuge.

Lakshmiim kshiirasamudrarAja tanayAm sriiranga dhAmEswariim
dAsiibhootasamastadEvavanitAm lOkaika deepAmkurAm
sriimanmandakatAkshalabdavibhavat brahmEndragangAdharAm
tvAm trailOkyakutumbiniim sarasijAm vandE mukundapriyAm|| 15 

(O Goddess Lakshmi, daughter of the milky ocean, dweller of Vaikunt (sriranga dhama refers to Vishnu's abode), served by all servants and spirits, thou art the only eternal light for all worlds; who attracts the grace of even Brahma, Indra, and Shiva; I bow to you, O dweller of all three worlds, born from lotus, and beloved by Mukunda, the Vishnu)

mAtarnamAmi kamalE kamalAyatAkshi 
sri vishnu hrutkamalavAsini visvamAta:
kshiirOdajE kamalakOmalagarbha gauri
lakshmii prasiidasatatam namatAm sharaNyE|| 16

(O Mother I bow to Thee, O Lotus-bodied, Lotus-eyed, resides in the heart of Vishnu, mother of the universe, took birth from the milky ocean, in the midst of a soft lotus, O Gouri, Lakshmi! always protect me, I bow to you and submit before you)

Now, we come to the fruits of reciting these hymns or 108 names of Lakshmi.

Benefits of Worshiping Lakshmi with Ashtottaram Prayers

trikAlam yO japE dvidvAn shaNmAsam vigitEndriya:
dAridryadhvansanam kritvA sarvamApnOtyayatnata:|| 17

(if wise people recite it three times daily for six months, they will become conquerors of all their senses; others will get rid of poverty and all their sins including those wise people)

dEviinAma sahasrEsu puNya mashtOttaram shatam
yEna shriyamavApnOti kOtijanma daridrata:|| 18

(Out of all those 1000 names of Goddess, these 108 names are the great ones; due to this they become prosperous and get rid of even one crore lives of poverty)

bhriguvArE shatam dhiimAn pathe: vatsaramAtrakam
ashtaiswarya mavApnOti kubEra iva bhootalE|| 19

(chanting the entire hundred names steadfastly for one year can bless you with all the eight treasures of Kubera in this world itself)

daridryamOchanam nAmastothra mambAparam shatam
yEna shriyamavApnOti kotijanma daridrata:|| 20

(you will get rid of poverty by reciting the entire hundred names of Goddess; even those who were poor for the last one crore lives will become rich immediately)

bhuktvAtu vipulAnbhOgA nasyA ssAyujyamApnuyAt
prAta:kAlE pathEnnityam sarvadukhOpashAntayE|| 21

(offering plenteous naivedyams or dishes that are prepared from multiple ingredients and chanting these hymns will provide you relief from all types of worries)

Itihi srilakshmi ashtottara shatanaama stotram sampoorNam ||

Thus ends the prayer of Sri Lakshmi Devi containing hymns of 108 names.

While reciting all the above lines concentrate on Goddess Lakshmi with pure devotion so as to obtain her blessings and grace.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Daily Puja for Evening Worshipers

People who are unable to afford time for performing their daily puja in the morning times can do it in the evening times after returning from their jobs.

The Supreme Being or God knows your problems and weaknesses. So, he may not demand that you should perform your worship only in the morning time or in a particular method.

If you can afford to perform it in the morning time, it is well and good. Because the morning time is best suited as you will be fresh and peaceful. But, modern lifestyles and job culture do not allow many people to devote time during the morning hours. They will be more worried about how to reach the office timely rather than concentrating on God.

So, I thought of suggesting an alternative puja process for such people (on a request from one of my friends) who can perform it in the evening times at their convenience which can further be adjusted or modified according to your own beliefs, needs, and available time.

Evening Puja Performance

Puja Materials

Idol of God/Goddess or Photos/Images
Lamp holder (either bronze or steel or any metal)
Oil for lighting the light
Wicks and Matchbox
Flowers (optional)
Incense sticks (Agarbatti) and Camphor

A small Metal Pot and Spoon (preferably copper or silver) filled with water for performing puja.
A plate or wide bowl for dropping water into it as if offering to God or as if washing God's hands and feet.

Naivedyam (any sweet dish cooked for naivedyam or simple rice, or fruits, or Gur/jaggery/mishri).

1. Get Ready for Starting Puja

  • Wash your legs, hands, and the face. If you are taking a bath, that's well and good.
  • But change your clothes, in either case, wearing some neat and clean, pure clothes.
  • Clean the puja place and remove the old puja material including the old wicks. 
  • Light the oil lights by adding some new oil and fresh wicks to the lighting lamps (diyas). You may light two wicks in the same lamp holder or light two lights separately in different holders.

2. Starting the Puja

  • Chant the purification sloka of "apavitra..." sprinkling drops of water over your head with your right thumb and all around the worship place with the spoon.
  • You may tell your God that you could not afford time in the morning times and so are doing the puja in the evening times. And, seek his forgiveness and permission to do so.
  • Here is a detailed version of starting any puja. But you need not follow all these procedures. You can simply do the purification mantra and start your puja.

3. Chant Your Prayers and Hymns

  • Perform your puja with some easy-to-recite slokas glorifying your God like Lakshmi Stuti, Vishnu Stuti, Shiva Stuti, Tirupati Balaji Stuti, Sri Rama Stuti, Sri Krishna Stuti, Ganesh lyrics, Hanuman lyrics, etc. You can choose any two or three from above or anything that you like most.
  • You may offer flowers also while doing so or you may decorate the God with the flowers first and, then, begin chanting the worship slokas.
  • Whatever you do, do it with real faith and sincerity.
4. Thereafter, as usual, light the incense sticks and show them to God assuming that God is sniffing the incense with pleasure.

5. Next, show the wick lights to Him/Her with your right hand.

6. Now, it is time to offer some naivedyam (any fruits or home-made food). You can offer even some Gur/Jaggery or the Mishri (rock sugar) as the naivedyam.

7. After Naivedyam, show some water to God in the spoon or with a mango leaf or pan leaf (betel leaf) and drop it in the plate or bowl kept there for that purpose (as if washing their hands and feet). 
Offer water again to drink (show to the God and drop in the plate).

8. Thereafter, light the camphor and recite the mangaLAsAsanam.

Now, the puja is over.
Seek the blessings from God and take/distribute the prasadam.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Varalakshmi Vratam - Goddess Lakshmi Puja

Varalakshmi Vratam is the worship of Goddess Lakshmi especially performed on the second Friday of Shravana month.

Varalakshmi means One who gifts you with all those desires sought by you.

It is performed basically by women and girls. Women seek the happiness of their husband and the family. Girls seek for a good husband.

The month of Shravan is considered to be very dear to Goddess Lakshmi or Parvati. That's why ladies perform the Mangala Gauri Vratam or Vara Lakshmi Vratam in this month with great devotion and love inviting the Goddess to visit their homes and bestow them with all Abundance and Happiness.

How to Perform Varalakshmi Vratam

Generally, people perform this vratam in the evening times even though there is no such restriction to perform it in the evenings only. Many of them perform on the Second Friday whereas others may perform it on any one of those four or five Fridays falling in this month of Shravan.

  • Get up early in the morning and take the oil-bath. 
  • Decorate your homes and the main-door entrance with flowers and mango leaves, etc. Turmeric paste is applied to the door entrances and they get designed with kumkum spots and white rangoli powder lines. Rangoli designs are prepared in front of the entrances. Flower garlands and mango leave garlands are hanged to the door top. All this is done to welcome Goddess Lakshmi.
  • All preparations and cooking of special dishes for puja purpose done during the day-time.
  • House washing and cleansing are advisable to be done on the previous day itself or early in the morning hours before taking the bath. 
  • Most people soak the chickpeas in water and before starting the puja, they are removed from the water and offered to God after the puja. You will be inviting the married women and girls in your neighborhood to participate in the puja. Similarly, you also need to attend their homes and visit their Goddess also on this occasion.
  • On the Varalakshmi Vratam Day, it is most desirable to keep open the doors during the evening hours before lighting the lights and throughout the puja period. Goddess will enter your house in any form if you sincerely do the worship.
  • In the evening, when you sit for the puja, make an image of the Goddess with turmeric paste in a mango leaf or lotus leaf. You need not be an artist for this. Simply make some small image and worship it as Goddess Lakshmi. The regular idols and images of God and Goddess are also worshiped along with this turmeric Goddess.
  • Perform the puja with flowers, kumkum, and dry turmeric powder. 
  • You can simply read some hymns of Goddess Lakshmi and worship her with the 108 names offering these flowers, turmeric, and kumkum after each name. You can do the same worship through a lyrical chanting of the verses known as Lakshmi Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram
  • After puja is over, offer the incense and show the lights to her. Then, offer the various dishes that you prepared along with the soaked chickpeas and fruits to her as naivedyam.
  • After naivedyam, light the camphor and chant the Mangala Harati, etc.
  • Now, your puja is over.
  • Distribute the prasadam (chickpeas, fruits, etc.) to the ladies attending the puja. 
  • It is a practice to offer blouse pieces, bangles, and flowers also to the participating ladies along with the prasadam. It is believed that it lengthens the life of those ladies as well as your own prosperous happy life.

  After performing this Lakshmi Puja, obtain the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi by bowing your head in front of her as well as through the blessings of all the elderly ladies.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Blessing Mantra in Sanskrit: Shatamanam Bhavati Shloka

This blessing mantra is most popular at all weddings and worship rituals in our Hindu life.

But most of us do not know the full meaning of what it says. We simply understand that it is a blessing with some good wishes for your prolonged life.

I am producing this sloka along with its full meanings in the below lines.

It is actually a sloka of two lines. But, mostly, we are accustomed to using only the second line of it during most of those blessing ceremonies.

Blessing Sloka

rOchanO rOchamAnaH, sObhanaH sObhamAnaH kaLyANaH |

shathamAnam bhavathi shathAyuH purushaH shatEndriya AyushyEvEndriyE prathitishtathi ||

Blessing Mantra as above in Hindi/ Sanskrit script

रोचनो रोचमानः शोभनो शोभमानः कल्याणः |
शतमानम भवति शतायुः पुरुषः शतेन्द्रिय आयुष्येवेन्द्रियेः प्रतितिष्ठति ||

The entire meaning of this blessing is as follows:

The person uttering this sloka wishes the person that is being blessed with a life of 100 springs in one lifetime; and that too with fully functioning Indhriyams (senses) during that lifetime; and to have all the faculties established fully intact in order to observe the daily chores demanded by life; and to pursue the virtuous way of life be it in the physical, mental, social or spiritual realms.

The word to word meaning is as follows:

1st Line

rOchano = in beauty
rOchamanaH = be beautiful
sObhano = in glow
sObhamAnaH = be glowing
kaLyaNaH = be noble and generous

2nd Line

shata = hundred
maanam = a measurement or unit of standard
bhavathi = let it be so
shata aayuh = hundred in age
Purusha = person or the life
shata + indriya = hundred and senses
ayushyEva = healthy
indriyE = the senses
pratitishtati = be established

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Rama's Beauty as Told In Sundarakanda | 28 Qualities of Lord Rama's Body

Rama's name itself means "One who attracts and pleases the hearts of his viewers" through his beauty.

Hanuman, during his conversation with Sita in the Ashoka Vatika of Lanka, narrates the great qualities and virtues of Rama along with a full description of his entire body to please her and to ascertain her that he (Hanuman) is not a demon in the shape of a monkey.

While doing so, he takes the help of the Samudrika Shastra to enlist all the 28 qualities as prescribed by the astrological science of the body for defining the beauty of Rama.

You can find the entire narration in the 35th sarga of Sundarakanda of the great epic Ramayana that was composed by Valmiki.

This 35th sarga starts with a general introduction of the beauty of Rama (stanza 8 to 16) and, thereafter, lists the qualities according to that body-science (stanza 17 to 20) and, again, carries on further to describe some more enchanting attributes of Lord Rama in stanza 21st. The rest (stanza 22 to 79) is the story of what happened until her abduction and his visit to Lanka.

Hanuman tells Sita that Rama is extremely beautiful with his lotus-like eyes that captivate the hearts of even the animals and the birds. He is supremely handsome, kind, and full of virtuous qualities. His splendor is equal to that of Sun, endurance to Earth, intelligence to Brihaspati, and fame to that of Indra.

Rama is an abode of boundless love and forgiveness. He is the protector of all beings. He is the creator and the creation itself. He is the controller of all universe and, at the same time, a well-disciplined prince himself protecting and caring for his people.

Rama is respected and worshiped by all alike. His character is blemishless. He is an abode of all Vedas and well-versed in all rituals of life. He respects all ascetics and seers. He is loved by all the people of his kingdom.

Hanuman tells that Rama has a large and wide upper-back region with long shoulders. He has a conch-shaped neck, an auspicious face, possesses a sound voice, and a shining body.

28 Norms for Beauty of Body as Mentioned by Samudrika Shastra

Samudrika Shastra (the astrologically specified science of reading a human body) defined some special attributes or norms for evaluating the beauty of a person.

Hanuman describes Rama's beauty taking the help of this samudrika Shastra as narrated in the stanzas 17 to 20 of the sarga 35 of Sundarakanda that is reproduced below.

tristhiraha, tripralambahscha, trisamaha, triSucha unnataha |
tritaamrah, triSucha snighdaha, gambhiirah triSu nityashaha || (17)

trivaliivaan, travyanataha, chaturvyangaha, trishiirSavaan |
chatuSkalaha, chaturlEkhah, chatuS kiSkuh, chatussamaha || (18)

chaturdasha samadvandvaha, chaturdanStrah, chaturgatihi |
mahoSTam hanunaasascha, pancha snighdhah, aSTavanshavaan || (19)

dashapadmah, dashabrihat, tribhirvyaapto, dvishuklavaan |
Sadunnatah, navatanuh, tribhih vyaapnoti Raghavaha || (20)

In the above lines, each quality is separated by a comma.

The first four qualities are that of a king in this long list of the 28 qualities.

  1. Rama is firm in three limbs (chest, wrist, and the fists).
  2. He is long in three (the eye-brows, arms, and soles).
  3. He is equally aligned in three (the hair, testicles, and knees).
  4. Elevated in three (his breast, naval area, and abdomen).
  5. Coppery in three (eye rims, nails, and palms).
  6. Soft in three (foot-lines, hair, and membrum virile).
  7. Deep in three (his voice, gait, and the navel).
  8. Has three folds in his belly.
  9. He has three sunken areas (in the midst of soles, the nipples, and the lines on his soles).
  10. And has compact-sized back, shanks, neck, and virile membrane.
  11. Has three spirals in his head.
  12. He possesses four lines at the root of his thumb (a scholar of four Vedas).
  13. He bears four lines on his forehead, feet, and palms.
  14. He is of eight feet high (4 cubits or 96 inches = 8 feet).
  15. He has four equal pairs (arms, shanks, knees, and cheeks).
  16. He has 14 equally developed parts (eyes, eyebrows, nostrils, ears, lips, nipples, arms, elbows, wrists, loins, hips, knees, testicles, and feet).
  17. He possesses four large, sharp teeth at both ends of his jaws.
  18. His walk is of four gaits (that of a lion, tiger, elephant, and the bull).
  19. He is gifted with splendid lips, cheek, and nose.
  20. He has five smoothy shining parts (hair, eyes, teeth, skin, and soles).
  21. Has eight long limbs (eyes, nose, ears, arms, legs, spinal cord, fingers, toes).
  22. Rama possesses ten lotus-like limbs(the face, eyes, lips, mouth, tongue, cheeks, breasts, nails, hands, and feet).
  23. He has ten large limbs (the head, forehead, ears, the chest, heart, neck, the belly, the back, the arms, and the feet).
  24. He is spread unlimited by three qualities (the fame, splendor, and honor).
  25. He is pure by two ( by his father's qualities and by his mother's qualities).
  26. Elevated in six (by his forehead, nose, shoulders, the chest, abdomen, and the back).
  27. He is fine and sharp in nine things (the hair, mustache, skin, the hair on the skin, finger joints, nails, virile membrane, perception, and intellect).
  28. He pursues virtuous conduct in all the three periods of the forenoon, midday, and afternoon. 
Rama is a follower of the path of truth and righteousness. He shows affection towards all. He knows how to manage time and circumstances. He welcomes people cordially and rewards them always. He is in abundance of all great qualities.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Hanuman: 12 Interesting Facts About Lord Hanuman

Do you know why Hanuman is one of the most popularly worshiped forms of God in India and other South East Asian countries?

He is worshiped for obtaining protection from the daily obstacles and all evil forces of life. It is also believed that one who worships Hanuman automatically gets the blessings from Lord Rama also. So, he is the most cherished God for most people.

Here are some interesting and lesser known facts of Hanuman's Life.

1) Hanuman an Incarnation of Shiva

He is the son of Anjana Devi, an angel of Brahmaloka, born in the shape of a monkey due to some curse by a sage. His father was Kesari, the monkey king.

It is believed that Anjana Devi was worshiping Lord Shiva for a son so that she can get released from her present form and return to Brahmaloka. Lord Shiva, pleased with her sincerity and devotion, gifted her a child with the help of the Wind God.

King Dasaratha of Ramayan was performing a yajna for children and he got blessed with some nectar that is to be offered to his queens so that they can conceive babies. But, a small portion of that nectar was said to have been stolen by a kite bird that was fleeing in the skies. As per Lord Shiva's hints, the Vayu God made that nectar fall into the hands of Anjana Devi who was on penance. She consumed it as the gift of Lord Shiva and, as a result, Hanuman was born to her.

Another version states that Lord Shiva directly gifted Anjana with a child by parting with some of his energy taking Vayu's help who carried that energy to Anjana.

2) Hanuman a Problem to Rishis During His Childhood

As Hanuman was an incarnation of Lord Shiva, he was blessed with many supernatural powers.

But, as a child, he was a headache to the nearby sages and others creating troubles in their daily rituals.

He used to play on trees with his friends and the branches used to break and fell into their yajna kund (the sacred fire that is ignited for offerings of ghee and grains to Gods).

Anjana had to save Hanuman frequently from their wrath.

3) Hanuman Tried to Swallow The Sun

Hanuman used to be fond of food always. So, everything seemed to be a food item for him. Whenever he looked at the Rising Sun, he used to think of it as a nice fruit. So, one day, he reached to the Sun and tried to swallow him.

4) Hanuman's Jaws Hit By Indra's Vajrayudha (the Diamond Weapon)

All the angels got frightened by the act of Hanuman and Indra also not knowing what to do,  immediately uses his weapon to prevent Hanuman from swallowing the Sun. The weapon hits Hanuman on his jaws which become affected due to the force of the weapon.

That is how the name Hanuman was conferred on him. Hanuman means one with deformed or disfigured jaws. Prior to that, he was simply referred to as Anjaniputra.

5) The Sun God was Teacher of Hanuman

Later, all angels become aware of Hanuman's innocence and ignorance. All Gods and angels gift him with some power or knowledge.

The Sun God accepted him as his disciple and provided him with a complete knowledge of all the branches of education.

Hanuman also received the secret knowledge of the wonderful powers of Ashta Siddhi (eight supernatural possessions) that are not taught to anybody. It is because of his great devotion and due to his special incarnation purpose that he was provided with all those powers and wisdom. (The purpose of his incarnation was to help Rama overcome all his problems.)

6) Hanuman and Shani God 

According to a great TV serial titled "KarmaPhal daata Shani", it is mentioned that Hanuman was a friend of Shani Devata. Shani is shown as the incarnation of the three energies of Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma.

Shani has been an instrument in removing the ignorance and developing the knowledge of Hanuman so that he could become a great character in the ensuing Ramayan epic.

7) Hanuman Flew Over the Ocean Covering a Distance of 1200 km to Reach Lanka

After getting associated with Rama, Hanuman goes in search of Sita who was kidnapped by Ravana.

It is believed that Hanuman flew in the sky over the ocean to reach Lanka (the abode of Ravana) covering a distance of 100 Yojana which was equal to 1200 km without resting even for a while.

It was believed that Lanka was of that much distance from the southern tip of India in the ancient periods of Ramayana age. The distances shrank later due to the expansion of lands.

8) Hanuman Body and Red Vermillion (Sindhoor)

Once, he came to know the importance of applying sindoor on the forehead and in the middle of the hairline by women. It is applied as a symbol of one's love and her true care for her family. So, Hanuman applied the vermillion all over his body to show his enormous love and care for his God, Sri Rama.

9) Hanuman's son Makaradhwaja

It is said that when Hanuman was flying over the ocean, his sweat fell into the ocean. A drop of that sweat directly fell into the mouth of a crocodile. By consuming that drop, the crocodile gave birth to Makaradhwaja whose form is a half-ape and half-crocodile.

10) Panchamukhi Hanuman or Five-Headed Hanuman Kills Ahiravan

Ahiravan was the brother of Ravana whose help was taken by Ravana during the battle with Rama (after the death of Indrajit). Ahiravan also was known as Mahiravan. He carries Rama and Lakshman to his Patal Loka while they were sleeping to offer them as a sacrifice to Goddess Chandi. Hanuman reaches Patala and with the help of Ahiravan's wife, who was good-natured, comes to know that Ahiravana could be killed only by blowing all the five oil lamps simultaneously which were placed there in different directions.

So, Hanuman takes the form of Panchamukhi Hanuman and blows off all of them simultaneously. Thus, he saves Rama and Lakshmana. Before returning, he crowns Makardhwaja as the king of Patala on Rama's advice.

11) Hanuman Rejected a Gift from Sita

After killing Ravana, when Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya, Sita offers a garland of pearls to Hanuman as her gift to him. Hanuman breaks open each one of those pearls and throws away after finding nothing in it. Sita enquires why he did so. Then, he informs her that he was searching for Rama in each one of those pearls. As he was not found inside them, he threw them away. He tells her that he could not accept anything that does not contain his Rama in it. Thereafter, he shows that his Rama is within his heart by split-opening his chest.   

12) Bhima of Mahabharat was Humiliated by Hanuman

Arjuna went to the Himalayas on the advice of Sri Krishna to procure more powerful weapons so as to face Bhishma and other great warriors in the ensuing battle. At that time, other Pandavas were staying near Badrikashrama (or Narayanashrama). One day, a fragrant flower fell near Draupadi and she was much pleased with it. She wanted some more flowers like that (they were probably Saugandhika flowers) and sent Bhima to procure them. On the way, Bhima found a huge monkey resting blocking the whole path. When Bhima tried to lift the tail of it as per the request of that monkey, he was unable to move it even a bit. Bhima uses all his force and fails. Then, he realizes it to be the great Hanuman (his own brother) and begs pardon for not recognizing him. Hanuman only wanted to destroy the pride in Bhima. So, he blesses him with more energy and tells him that he will be there in the battle of Mahabharat as an emblem on the flag of Arjuna's chariot.

Monday, May 28, 2018

How to Perform Hanuman Puja at Home

Hanuman Puja at Home can be performed in a very simple manner to obtain his blessings. You need to have faith and belief in Him and worship with pure devotion.

Lord Hanuman is considered as one of the most powerful Gods with unlimited powers.

He is a part of Lord Shiva's energy. Hanuman was born in a monkey form to Anjana Devi. So, he is known as Anjani Putra (son of Anjani Devi). He is also called as Vayu Putra as his father is the powerful Vayu God (The Wind God).

Hanuman is believed to have been provided with the Ashta Siddhi (Eight miraculous powers) during his discipleship with the Sun God.

So, worshiping Hanuman is a great boon for you as he gets pleased very quickly and protects you from all the problems of your life (just as he helped Lord Rama during all his problems).

Panchamukhi Hanuman

Hanuman took the form of Panchamukha (five-headed Hanuman) bearing the head of Garuda, Narasimha, Varaha, Hayagreeva, and himself to kill Ahiravan, a brother of Ravana. So, he is worshiped in the form of Five Heads also.

Items Required for Hanuman Puja

I don't think that God insists on performing his Puja or worship in a grand manner causing you inconvenience, both financially and physically.

A simple but honest worship is enough to obtain his love and blessings.

So, you need some flowers, agarbatti, oil light, a little bit of camphor, some fruits and/or a coconut. That is enough to appease Lord Hanuman.

Remeber that Hanuman is fond of bananas and coconut. You can offer anyone of that.

Hanuman Puja at Home

You can worship Lord Hanuman daily. If you can't afford daily puja, you may worship him on Tuesdays and Saturdays which are liked by Him.

  • Just like other pujas, you need to take your bath and wear clean clothes.
  • Clean the place of worship and sprinkle some drops of water where you keep the image of Hanuman.
  • You may place Him on a red cloth, if possible, as Hanuman likes the Sindhoor color which he has applied all over his body to show his love towards the Mother Goddess (it is told that he once saw one Devi or Goddess applying the sindoor in the parting-line of her hair).
  • Apply the tilak to him and offer some flowers.
  • Recite some prayers of Hanuman. You can start with Hanuman prayers and Hanuman Dwadasha Namavali (12 names of Hanuman). Thereafter, you can read the Hanuman Chalisa.
  • Offer flowers at intervals to Lord while doing the worship, if you have them. There is no obligation. You can simply seek his mercy.
  • After worship is over, show the incense sticks to God and place them on the side.
  • Then show the oil light to him by moving your palm from the light towards God.
  • Thereafter, offer the bananas and coconut to him. You can offer any naivedyam cooked specially for that purpose if you like to do so. While offering the naivedyam, if it is a cooked dish, sprinkle some water on it and you may sprinkle ghee also. If it is banana, open a small bit of the peel and sprinkle water. If coconut, you will first break the coconut into two halves (collecting the water in a bowl if possible) and place the two parts before God sprinkling some water and then offer it.
  • Anything being offered to God means that you are acting like serving the food. You will show the food with the ring-finger of your right hand, touching the food if possible, and move the finger towards God's mouth as if putting it into his mouth. That is the true devotion.
  • Now, you can light the Kapoor or camphor and chant the mangalasasanam (the lyrics sung for the wellbeing of all the people in the world). 
  • After singing the mangalasasanam, your puja is over. You need to sprinkle some drops of water around the lighting camphor and then bow to it. 
  • Now, bow to the God and take the teertham and prasadam with your right hand. After taking yourself, you will distribute it to other members of your family and people present there.
Hanuman worship provides you with much power and confidence. But, you need to keep faith in Him and do the worship honestly. He does not require any hard penance or any offerings from you. Only your faith and sincere prayers are required. So obtain his blessings and be happy.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Ashtakam | Ashtottara Shata Namam | Sahasra Namam

There are many types of lyrical praise of Gods composed by devotees based on the length of those lyrics and the number of names included in those stotras.

When these names are uttered in a lyrical form, they are known as "Stotram". If the same is uttered in a name form, they are known as "Namavali".

Stotram is a praise of God.

Namavali is the worship done by chanting individual names in a row, one after one.

While worshiping God with Namavali, you will be offering flowers or any other worship material like kumkum, turmeric, turmeric-mixed rice, or any leaves or grass that is regarded as a worship material.

But, when you worship with the stotram method, you need not offer those worship materials at each name. You will offer those flowers at one time before doing the worship and you may keep some flowers to be offered at the end of the worship.

Now, let us talk about those types of stotras or naamaavaLi.

Previously, I mentioned about Panchakshari and Ashtakshari forms of worship.

Now, I will tell about Ashtakam, Ashtottaram, and Sahasranamam.


Ashtakam is a combination of eight slokas, stanzas or musical hymns in praise of any God for worship. Normally, each stanza is made up of four lines. But, at times, it can be of two-liners also.

Some popular examples for ashtakam are:
Hari Ashtakam, Shiva Ashtakam, Krishna Ashtakam, Mahalakshmi Ashtakam, Vaidyanatha Ashtakam, etc.

When you do the worship, you can offer flowers at the end of each ashtakam.

Ashtakam is generally concluded with one or more stanzas extra that explain the benefits of reading that ashtakam.

Ashtottara Shata Namam

Ashtottara shata namam is a unique composition style wherein, 108 names of God/Goddess are mentioned for worship. 

It can be either in a stotram form or in mere names format.

When it is sung in a lyrical form, it is known as Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram. 

When the worship is done by pronouncing each name separately, prefixing with "Om" and suffixing with "namaha", it is known as Ashtottara Shata Namavali.

Popular among those ashtottara stotram are, the Krishna Ashtottara Shata Nama Stotram, Laxmi Ashtottara Shata Nama Stotram, Shiva Ashtottara Shata Nama Stotram, Durga Ashtottara Shata Nama Stotram, etc.

Examples for Ashtottara Shata Namavali are: Sri Rama Ashtottara Shatanamavali, Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali, Laxmi Ashtottara Shatanamavali, etc.

Thes worships can be done offering 108 flowers, one at each name.

Sahasra Namam

The word "Sahasra" means the number "one thousand". So, sahasra namam refers to the compilation that contains 1000 names of God.

But, one thousand is considered as an incomplete number for any God. So, they add eight more names to complete it. 

So, literally, it becomes 1008 names which can be referred to as "Ashtottara Sahasra Nama Stotram" or "Ashtottara Sahasra Namavali".

These modes of worship reciting the 1008 names are mostly done for special purpose puja or worships. You may offer these worships in your daily routine also if you can afford the time. You may do it weekly once or monthly once. But, mostly, you can find these special worships during festival times, or during celebrating any life-events like celebrating the birthday or naming ceremony, upanayanam, marriage, etc.; or on occasions of starting new constructions, projects, or any major events of life.

Popular Sahasra Nama Stotrams are the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, Lalitha Sahasra Nama Stotram, etc. 

Sahasra Namavali worship is more popular for worshiping Vishnu, Shiva, Maha Laxmi, Durga, Goddess Lalitha, Gayatri, Saraswati, Ganesha, and others. It is done with 1008 flowers. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Panchakshari and Ashtakshari

You might have noticed while performing some of those Hindu rituals that the priests or pundits refer to Panchakshari Mantra sometimes and to Ashtakshari Mantra at other times.

So, you may like to know the meaning of these two phrases and the difference between these two versions of worshipping.

What is Panchakshari?

It is the combination of two small Sanskrit words: Pancha + Akshara.

Pancha in Sanskrit refers to the number 5.

Akshara refers to a single letter of the language. "Akshari" means that which contains letters.

So, Panchakshari means that which contains five letters.

Panchakshari Mantra is an utterance of a divine rhythmical phrase (consisting of five letters) that is recited to immerse oneself in the meditation and companionship of the Supreme Being.

Example for Panchakshari Mantra

One famous and most popular Panchakshari Mantra is that of Lord Shiva "Om Namashivaya". In this mantra, the panchakshari is "Namashivaya" and "Om" is the prefix to it. This mantra is always recited during the worship of Lord Shiva at all occasions.

What is Ashtakshari?

An "ashtakshari" is a word or phrase comprising eight letters. 

The word "Ashta" refers to the number 8.

So, Ashtakshari means the word or phrase consisting of eight letters.

Ashtakshari Mantra is a mantra or divine utterance that is made up of eight letters for worship or meditation purposes.

Example for Ashtakshari Mantra

The most popular Ashtakshari Mantra recited by the Vaishnava community is "Om Namo Narayanaya". It is spelled as "Om NamO NArAyanAya". 

The eight letters are "om + na + mo + na + ra + ya + na + ya".

This mantra is used for worshipping Lord Vishnu in his various forms.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sri Rama Ashtottara - 108 Names of Lord Rama

Sri Rama Ashtottara is a form of worship performed by chanting the 108 Names of Lord Rama which glorify his supreme powers and virtues. It is also known as Sri Rama Ashtottara Shatanamavali because it contains 108 names and they are like a garland offered to Rama containing 108 flowers.

Ashtottara is the number of eight coming after some rounded number like 108 or 1008 etc. This particular form of the puja is termed as ashtottara shatanamavali puja meaning that Rama is worshiped with 8 more names after the 100 names.

The 108 names are to be recited while doing your puja; chanting each name separately and offering a flower to God at each name. If you do not have enough flowers to offer, even then, you can chant these names and offer flowers at gaps of each ten names or so.

It does not matter whether you offer flowers or not. It is your true devotion that counts. You can experience the thrill and joy of chanting these names and enjoy some extreme satisfaction which cannot be expressed in words.

Each name starts with "Om" and ends with "namaha".

"Om" is the underlying blissful sound of the universe that continuously keeps vibrating all through the atmosphere.

The word "namaha" is an expression of your act of showing reverence to God. You can keep both your palms together while saying "namaha" at each name or at intervals. Or, you may simply keep reciting the names and bow to the Lord at the end of all the names.

I am providing the meanings for each name (without giving the meaning for those affixes and suffixes of "Om" and "namaha") in the below-charted Table of names.

Points to Remember While Pronouncing the 108 Names of Rama

  • I used the vowel articles twice to signify the need for prolonging of the stretch of that article like 'a' and 'e'.
  • Double "a" should be stretched softly.
  • Double "e" should be stretched like prolonging the vowel "i" in the word 'in'.
  • Capital "E" is used to signify prolonged stretch for vowel "e" just like when you used 'e' in the middle of the word "where".
  • The letter "d" is to be pronounced just like you pronounce the letter 't' in the word "there".
  • The letter "t" is to be pronounced like the letter "t" in the word "with".
  • The letter "N" or "L" when used in capital letters signify some special type of pronunciation which is very difficult to explain in words. It can be known only when a Hindu pronounces it.

108 Names of Lord Rama - Sri Rama Ashtottara Shatanamavali

Sl. No.
Names to be Recited
Meanings of the Names
Om SriRaamaaya namaha
The provider of Happiness by destroying sins
Om Raamabhadraaya namaha
One who cares and protects
Om Raamachandraaya namaha
The Gentle and Cool as the Moon
Om Shaaswataaya namaha
The Permanent One
Om RaajeevalOchanaaya namaha
Beautiful-eyed One
Om SreematE namaha
The most-wise and Revered One
Om RaajEndraaya namaha
The king of Lords
Om Raghupungavaaya namaha
The scion of Raghu clan or dynasty
Om Jaanakeevallabhaaya namaha
The consort of Janaki (Sita)
Om Jaitraaya namaha
The Victorious One
Om Jitaamitraaya namaha
The Conqueror of enemies
Om Janaardanaaya namaha
The Liberator of people from their miseries
Om Viswaamitrapriyaaya namaha
The Beloved of Viswaamitra sage
Om Daantaaya Namaha
The quality of Serenity
Om SharaNatraaNatatparaaya namaha
One who craves for and protects his devotees
Om Vaalipramadhanaaya namaha
The slayer of monkey king Vali
Om VaangminE namaha
The Wisdom Speaker
Om SatyavaachE namaha
The Speaker of Truth always
Om Satyavikramaaya namaha
One who is Truly Powerful
Om Satyavrataaya namaha
One involved in Truth Penance
Om Vratadharaaya namaha
One Determined to Penance
Om SadaaHanumanaashritaaya namaha
One who is sheltered by Hanuman always
Om KausalEyaaya namaha
The Son of Kausalya
Om KharadhwansinE namaha
The destroyer of demon Khara
Om Viraadhavadhapanditaaya namaha
The One who killed Viradha with wisdom
Om VibheeshaNaparitraatE namaha
One who offers protection to VibheeshaNa
Om HarakOdandakhandanaaya namaha
One who broke the bow of Shiva named ‘HarakOdanda’
Om SaptataaLaprabhEtrE namaha
One who pierced the Seven trees of “Taal” (Palm trees)
Om DashagreevasirOharaaya namaha
The slayer of ten-headed Ravana
Om Jaamadagnyamahaadarpa-daLanaaya namaha
The destroyer of Parasurama’s pride, son of sage Jamadagni
Om Taatakaantakaaya namaha
The destroyer of demon Tataki
Om VEdaantasaaraaya namaha
The Essence of Vedas
Om VEdaatmanE namaha
The Abode of Vedas
Om BhavarOgasyabhEshajaaya namaha
The remover of all earthly diseases and illness
Om DooshaNatrisirOhantrE namaha
One who killed the demons named Dushana and Trisira
Om TrimoortayE namaha
One who has Three Forms
Om TriguNaatmakaaya namaha
The source of Three Qualities
Om Trivikramaaya namaha
The Conqueror of Three Worlds
Om TrilOkaatmanE namaha
The Abode of all three worlds
Om PuNyachaaritrakeertanaaya namaha
The Subject of Hymns sung in praise of his Sanctity
Om TrilOkarakshakaaya namaha
The Protector of the Three Worlds
Om DhanvinE namaha
One who carries the Bow
Om DandakaaraNyavartanaaya namaha
One who treaded through DandakaaraNya forest
Om Ahalyaashaapashamanaaya namaha
One who relieved Ahalya from her curse
Om Pitrubhaktaaya namaha
The Worshipper of  His Father
Om Varapradaaya namaha
One who Bestows  Boons
Om JitEndriyaaya namaha
Conqueror of Senses
Om JitakrOdhaaya namaha
Conqueror of Anger
Om Jitamitraaya namaha                (it is ‘Jita + mitra’ not “Jita + amitra” here)
Winner of Friends (differs with the title at 11)
Om JagadguravE namaha
The Teacher of the entire Universe
Om RukshavaanarasanghaatinE namaha
The Companion of Monkeys and Bears
Om Chitrakootasamaashrayaaya namaha
One who took shelter at Chitrakoot
Om JayantatraaNavaradaaya namaha
One who saved the life of Jayanta (son of Indra, harmed Sita in the form of a crow)
Om SumitraaputrasEvitaaya namaha
One who is served by Sumitra’s son Lakshmana)
Om SarvadEvaadidEvaaya namaha
One who is the Lord of all Lords
Om Mrutavaanarajeevanaaya namaha
One who blessed the dead monkeys with re-birth
Om MaayaamaareechahantrE namaha
The slayer of fake deer-shaped Maareecha
Om MahaadEvaaya namaha
The Supreme Lord
Om Mahaabhujaaya namaha
The Mighty-Armed
Om SarvadEvastutaaya namaha
One who is praised by all Gods
Om Soumyaaya namaha
The Gentle and Cool One
Om BrhmaNyaaya namaha
One who possesses the supreme qualities of Brahman
Om Munisamstutaaya namaha
One who is praised by all sages
Om MahaayOginE namaha
The Great Yogi
Om MahOdaaraaya namaha
 Extremely Compassionate One
Om SugreevEpsitaraajyadaaya namaha
One who returned the kingdom deserved by Sugriva
Om sarvapuNyaadhikaphalaaya namaha
One who rewards good deeds abundantly
Om Smrutasarvaaghanaashanaaya namaha
One who destroys all sins by simply taking His Name
Om Aadipurushaaya namaha
The First or Primal Being
Om Paramapurushaaya namaha
The Supreme Being
Om Mahaapurushaaya namaha
The Greatest Being
Om PuNyOdayaaya namaha
The Embodiment of Sanctity
Om Dayaasaaraaya namaha
The Essence of Kindness
Om PuraaNapurushOttamaaya namaha
The Best of all Scriptural Heroes
Om Smitavaktraaya namaha
One with a Smiling Mouth or Face
Om MitabhaashiNE namaha
One who talks less
Om ApoorvabhaashiNE namaha
One who talks Uniquely
Om Raaghavaaya namaha
The descendant of Raghu Clan
Om AnantaguNagambheeraaya namaha
One who is Dignified due to His Abundant Virtues
Om DheerOdaattaguNOttamaaya namaha
One who is Excellent in Valor and Kindness
Om Maayaamaanushachaaritraaya namaha
One who incarnated as a Human Being using his illusion
Om MahaadEvaadipoojitaaya namaha
One who is worshiped by Mahadeva or Shiva and others
Om SEtukrutE namaha
One who built the bridge
Om JitavaaraashayE namaha
One who conquered the ocean
Om Sarvateerthamayaaya namaha
One who is the embodiment of all sacred places
Om HarayE namaha
Destroyer of all Sins
Om Shyaamaangayaaya namaha
The Dark-Skinned One
Om Sundaraaya namaha
The Beautiful One
Om Sooraaya namaha
The Brave
Om PeetavaasasE namaha
One who wears Yellow Clothes
Om Dhanurdharaaya namaha
One who holds a Bow
Om Sarvayajnaadhipaaya namaha
One who is the presiding deity of all yagna or sacrifices
Om YajvanE namaha
One who is the Yagna Himself
Om JaraamaraNavarjitaaya namaha
One who is free from the cycles of Birth, Old-Age, or Death
Om VibheeshaNaraajyapratishtaatrE namaha
One who established VibheeshaNa on the throne
Om SarvaavaguNavarjitaaya namaha
One who destroyed all bad qualities
Om ParamaatmanE namaha
The Supreme Soul
Om ParasmaibrahmaNE namaha
The Supreme God
Om Sachchidaanandavigrahaaya namaha
The One whose form is made up of true Knowledge and bliss
Om ParasmaijyOtishE namaha
The One with Eternal Radiance
Om ParamdhaamnE namaha
The Supreme Abode
Om Paraakaashaaya namaha
The Supreme Space
Om Paratparaaya namaha
The Greatest of all
Om ParEshaaya namaha
The Supreme Lord
Om Paaragaaya namaha
The Uplifter of helpless
Om Paaraaya namaha
The Ultimate
Om SarvadEvaatmakaaya namaha
One who dwells in all gods
Om Parasmai namaha
The Supreme Being