Saturday, September 5, 2015

Vishnu Stuti Lyrics - Meanings - Prayers in Praise of Lord Vishnu in Hindi, English and Telugu Languages

Vishnu stuti or Vishnu stotram is the recitation (or chanting) of verses in praise of Lord Vishnu or Srimannarayana God.

There are basically three most popular verses that are recited daily at homes in praise of Vishnu stuti. These slokas are generally recited after doing worship with the 24 names of Vishnu known as "Keshava Naamaa-s".

So, below are the lyrics presented first in Hindi, then in English Text, and thereafter, in the Telugu language.

After that, the full meanings in the English language are also provided.

Hindi / Sanskrit Language

शान्ताकारम् , भुजगशयनम् ,पद्मनाभम् , सुरेशम् ,
विश्वाकारम् , गगनसदृशम् , मेघवर्णम् , शुभाङ्गम् ,
लक्ष्मीकान्तम् , कमल नयनम् , योगि हृद्यानगम्यम् ,
वन्दे विष्णुम् भव भयहरम् , सर्व लोकैकनाथम  ॥

मेघश्यामम् , पीत कौशेय वासम् ,
श्रीवत्साङ्कम, कौस्तुभोद् भासिताङ्गम् ,
पुण्योपेतम् , पुण्डरीकायताक्षम,
विष्णुम् वन्दे सर्व लोकैकनाथम्   ॥

स शंख चक्रम् , स किरीट कुण्डलम् ,
स पीत वस्त्रम् , सरसी रुहेक्षणम् ,
सहार वक्ष स्थल शोभि कौस्तुभम् ,
नमामि विष्णुम् शिरसा चतुर्भुजम्  ॥

Vishnu Stuti Lyrics in English Text  

shaantaakaaram, bhujaga shayanam, padma naabham, surEsham,
vishwaakaaram, gagan sadrusham, mEgh varNam, subhaamgam,
laxmiikaantam, kamala nayanam, yOgi hrudyaa nagamyam,
vandE vishnum, bhav bhay haram, sarv lOkaikanaatham   || (1)

mEgh shyaamam, peeta kausEya vaasam,
srivatsaangkam, koustubhOdh bhaasitaangam,
puNyOpEtam, pundariik aayataaksham,
vishnum vandE, sarv lOkaikanaatham    || (2)

sa shankh chakram, sa kireet kundalam,
sa peet vastram, sarasee ruhEkshaNam,
sahaar vaksha sthal shObhi kaustubham,
namaami vishnum, sirasaa chaturbhujam   || (3)

Telugu Language

విష్ణు స్తుతి శ్లోకాలు (శ్రీమహావిష్ణు స్తోత్రాలు)

శాన్తాకారం, భుజగ శయనం, పద్మ నాభం, సురేశం,
విశ్వాకారం, గగన సదృశం, మేఘ వర్ణం, శుభాంగం,
లక్ష్మీ కాంతం, కమల నయనం, యోగి హృద్యాన గమ్యం,
వందే విష్ణుం, భవ భయ హరం, సర్వ లోకైక నాథం  ॥

మేఘ శ్యామం, పీత కౌసేయ వాసం,
శ్రీ వత్సాంకం, కౌస్తుభోద్భాసితాంగం  ,
పుణ్యోపేతం, పుండరీకాయతాక్షం,
విష్ణుం వందే సర్వ లోకైక నాథం ॥

స శంఖ చక్రం, స కిరీట కుండలం,
స పీత వస్త్రం, సరసీ రుహేక్షణం,
సహార వక్ష స్థల శోభి కౌస్తుభం,
నమామి విష్ణుం, శిరసా చతుర్భుజం ॥

Meanings in English

Sloka 1) 
Shanta-Karam = One who is peaceful in form; bhujaga shayanam = one who sleeps on a serpent;
Padma naabham = One having his navels like a lotus or the Lotus itself as his navel; surEsham = chief or head of angels; vishwaakaaram = universe shaped;
Gagan sadrusham = sky resembled; Megha varnam = cloud coloured; subhaamgam = auspicious bodied;
LaxmikaanTam = one having Goddess Laxmi as his consort; Kamal nayanam = lotus-eyed;
yogi hridyaangamyam= one who is not reachable or understandable even to yogis or ascetics;
Vande = to pay respect; vishnum = to God Vishnu; Bhava Bhaya haram = who drives away fear;
sarva lOkaikanaatham = the only lord of all world (Sarva means 'all', Loka means 'world'
eka means'one or only' and naatham means' lord').

So, the full meaning of this verse is as follows:

I offer my salutations to that Vishnu, who is of peaceful or serene appearance, one who sleeps on a serpent, one who has lotus as his navel and is the lord of Devas or angels, who is embodiment of the universe and sky shaped, whose colour is like that of clouds, whose body is auspicious, who is having Goddess Laxmi as his consort, whose eyes are like lotus and who is not understandable even to sages, one who removes the fears of worldly beings and who is the only lord of all lokas or universes.

Sloka 2)
megha = cloud, shyaamam= dark colour, pita kauseyam = yellow dress, vaasam = abode or one who resides in, srivatsa = srivatsa mark or sign, aangkam = having on the chest, kaustubha = the jewel of kaustubha, udbhaasita = shining, angam = bodied, punya = holi or pure, oupetam = encircled with, pundarika = lotus petal, aayata = extension, aksham = eyed, vande = to respect or salute, sarva loka = all lokas, ekanaatham = one Lord.

So, the full meaning of the second shloka is as follows:

I offer my salutations to Vishnu, the Lord of all lords, who is cloud hued, and who is dressed in yellow silk garments, whose chest bears the mark of srivatsa emblem, whose body glows with the kaustubha jewel, who is embodied with holiness, and whose eyes are wide like lotus petals.

Sloka 3)
sa = with or one who is having, sankha = the conch, chakram = round ring or wheel, kireeta = crown,
kundalam = earrings, peeta vastram = yellow golden dress, sarasi = born from lake (Lotus), ruhekshanam = resembling eyes ( ruha = resemblance, akshanam = possessed eyes), sa haara = with garland, vaksha sthal = chest, shobhi= adorned, kaustubham = kaustubh mani (jewel),
namaami = saluting, Vishnum = to Vishnu, sirasaa = with my head, chaturbhujam = four armed.

The full meaning of this third sloka is as follows:

I salute by bowing my head to that four armed Vishnu, who holds the conch (named as paanchajanya) in one hand and the holy wheel (known as Sudarshan chakra) in another hand, one who is adorned with a beautiful crown and earrings, and dressed in yellow golden-silk dhoti, one who has lotus like eyes and is wearing a garland with a kaustubha mani (jewel) on his chest.

So, these are the three popular slokas recited daily during prayers for Vishnu. In the next post, I will tell you about the Lakshmi stuthi or slokas recited addressing Goddess Lakshmi.