If I could relive a moment of my life!...
I would have groomed my voice into a manly (harsher) voice at that teenage transcending period!!
If I could relive a moment of my life...!
I would not have let bewilderment enter into my conscience in selecting my voice at that important moment!!!
If I could relive a moment of my life...
I would not have let bewilderment enter into my conscience in selecting my voice at that important moment!!!
If I could relive a moment of my life...
I would have employed my rational mind to take the decision in the right direction.
I would not have let the childish fear complex to come in between my choice of the thin feminine voice as my default voice instead of the transforming harsher one, getting bewildered at the changes in my voice.
If I could relive a moment of my life,
I would have looked at other my guys and taken a better decision in choosing my voice.
I would not have let it bewilder at the changing sound of my voice and choose the ever habitual childish thin voice to continue instead of adapting to the changing manly harsher voice.
If I could relive that moment of my life...,
I would not have had to suffer all these humiliations all through my life because of the wrong decision of keeping this childish (feminine) voice as my permanent voice. Alas, people could have restrained from torturing my people if I could have had a manly harsh voice to shout at them while they were doing mischief.
If I could relive that moment of my life,
I would not have had to repent for being not able to give enough protection to my wife and children because of my this thin voice.
Alas, I could have relived that moment of my life!!!
To make a better choice for my voice and be able to give better protection to my wife and family so that things could not have had been like this in that case.
Alas, I could relive that moment of my life!
To change everything in my life!!!
To change everything in my life!!!