Nowadays, the lifestyle of most of us people has become a show buzz. It's a platform of display and exhibitionism. Full of materialistic and physical notions. We tend to measure everything materialistically in terms of money, prestige, glamour, and social status. There is No Value for age, virtue, and wisdom of the person.

All our actions are centered around one goal. How to make money and how to establish our position in society. All other values are set at rest
And, to maintain your status, you try to earn more and more money, purchase more property and assets, adapt to the latest fashion of clothes, and to the so-called modern and contemporary western culture and social habits. All this at the cost of your own culture and heritage. Our age-old culture and knowledge get dumped into a corner by such pursuers of modern culture.
Why all this race for money, status, fashion, and glamour?
What will you get in all this pursuit? Instead of Tensions!
You will always be racing for this and that; and, don't have any time to rest or to enjoy it.
Further, the more money you earn, the more is tension in handling and managing it.
You will be scared of losing it. You Can't have good sleep and will be restless always.

All our actions are centered around one goal. How to make money and how to establish our position in society. All other values are set at rest
And, to maintain your status, you try to earn more and more money, purchase more property and assets, adapt to the latest fashion of clothes, and to the so-called modern and contemporary western culture and social habits. All this at the cost of your own culture and heritage. Our age-old culture and knowledge get dumped into a corner by such pursuers of modern culture.
Stop and Think
Why all this race for money, status, fashion, and glamour?
What will you get in all this pursuit? Instead of Tensions!
You will always be racing for this and that; and, don't have any time to rest or to enjoy it.
Further, the more money you earn, the more is tension in handling and managing it.
You will be scared of losing it. You Can't have good sleep and will be restless always.
The same thing happens to the pursuer of status also.
You always indulge in competition with your companions and look at them suspiciously.
You can't be friends with them and enjoy their company.
You try to be aloof from them in order to maintain your status.
You will be losing happiness and satisfaction in your family and circles also.
This race for money and status or prestige in society- these are all causes of dissatisfaction, greed, anger, irritation, and whatnot.
The desire for money makes you restless. You try to work overtime and take up more jobs. It will decrease your efficiency and deteriorate your health also.
Thereby, you develop mental tensions and irritations in your family. You can not be happy and find fault with everybody.
Moreover, if you are indulging in false prestige and fashions and increasing your spending, it may result in more demand for money and increased pressure and tension on you.
Further, you are spending on the latest designs of clothes from western-cultured markets which are too much costlier than your local indigenous products.
Thereby, you are making yourself financially overburdened. For this, you want to make more money and the quest for money never stops.
So, better You stop Now and Think of all this unnecessary extravaganza.
Is all this hotchpotch necessary for us to survive in this world?
Is it not enough, if we have enough money, shelter, food, and clothe which are sufficient for our livelihood?
Why am I indulging in these unnecessary accumulations of wealth and property which will not come with me when I leave my body one day?
Why give up the present happiness and mental peace for the sake of that false prestige and status?
Why not keep satisfied with whatever I get that may be sufficient for myself and my family's needs.
Instead of running for false prestige and fame, you may better try to think of the great heritage of our country, its culture, its social, ethical, and spirituals values.
Why should I keep unaware of them or ignore them? Why not take pains to understand those values and benefit from them.
Instead of running behind the materialistic aspects and glamour of the foreign culture, try to give some value to our own cultural and spiritual norms.

Indulgence in materialistic life is not enough. It is only momentary and does not provide all that kind of satisfaction that you may get by understanding and by following the ethical and spiritual values of life.
We can not carry material wealth and false prestige with us to the other world after death. Only moral and spiritual values come with us at that time. Remember this Fact.
So, think of your Happiness and Peace of Mind.
You will be losing happiness and satisfaction in your family and circles also.
This race for money and status or prestige in society- these are all causes of dissatisfaction, greed, anger, irritation, and whatnot.
The desire for money makes you restless. You try to work overtime and take up more jobs. It will decrease your efficiency and deteriorate your health also.
Thereby, you develop mental tensions and irritations in your family. You can not be happy and find fault with everybody.
Moreover, if you are indulging in false prestige and fashions and increasing your spending, it may result in more demand for money and increased pressure and tension on you.
Further, you are spending on the latest designs of clothes from western-cultured markets which are too much costlier than your local indigenous products.
Thereby, you are making yourself financially overburdened. For this, you want to make more money and the quest for money never stops.
What To Do?
So, better You stop Now and Think of all this unnecessary extravaganza.
Is all this hotchpotch necessary for us to survive in this world?
Is it not enough, if we have enough money, shelter, food, and clothe which are sufficient for our livelihood?
Why am I indulging in these unnecessary accumulations of wealth and property which will not come with me when I leave my body one day?
Why give up the present happiness and mental peace for the sake of that false prestige and status?
Why not keep satisfied with whatever I get that may be sufficient for myself and my family's needs.
Instead of running for false prestige and fame, you may better try to think of the great heritage of our country, its culture, its social, ethical, and spirituals values.
Why should I keep unaware of them or ignore them? Why not take pains to understand those values and benefit from them.
Instead of running behind the materialistic aspects and glamour of the foreign culture, try to give some value to our own cultural and spiritual norms.

Indulgence in materialistic life is not enough. It is only momentary and does not provide all that kind of satisfaction that you may get by understanding and by following the ethical and spiritual values of life.
We can not carry material wealth and false prestige with us to the other world after death. Only moral and spiritual values come with us at that time. Remember this Fact.
So, think of your Happiness and Peace of Mind.