Saturday, March 23, 2024

Govinda Namavali - A Garland of 108 Names in Worship of Govinda/Krishna/Venkateswara Swamy

Govinda is a name that applies to Sri Krishna and Sri Venkateswara Swamy.

To be more clear, it is one of the numerous names applicable to the Supreme Being Narayan who incarnated in various forms, from time to time, to save his devotees from miseries and bad elements. With that concept in mind, some exceptional devotees of Vishnu Bhagavan must have created this wonderful garland of 108 names in a lyrical form. The identity of that author is unknown to my perception. But these names of Govinda are trendy and get recited with amazing tunes by many devotees around us.

When we go through these names, it becomes evident that they are addressed to Venkateswara, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, and many other forms of God.

And, let me say one more fact before starting with the names.
I was provided with a pamphlet containing these 108 names of Govinda by a temple priest in Andhra Pradesh when I visited the Kalyana Venkateswara Swamy Temple in a village on the border of Kakinada City some 3 to 4 years ago. I started reciting these names every Saturday afternoon from that day onwards and still continuing this practice. It provides me much satisfaction and happiness.

Here are the Names in Govinda NaamaavaLi

  1. Sri Srinivasa gOvinda
  2. Sri VenkatEsa gOvinda
  3. Bhaktavatsala gOvinda
  4. Bhaagavata priya gOvinda
  5. nitya nirmala gOvinda
  6. neelamEghashyaama gOvinda
  7. puraaNa purusha gOvinda
  8. pundariikaaksha gOvinda || (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times) || 
  9. nandanandana gOvinda
  10. navaniita chOra gOvinda
  11. pashupaalaka sri gOvinda
  12. paapavimOchana gOvinda
  13. dushta samhaara gOvinda
  14. durita nivAraNa gOvinda
  15. sishta paripaalaka gOvinda
  16. kashta nivAraNa gOvinda || (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  17. vajramakuta dhara gOvinda
  18. varaahamoorti gOvinda
  19. gOpijana lOla gOvinda 
  20. gOvardhana dhAra gOvinda
  21. dashrath nandana gOvinda 
  22. dashamukha mardana gOvinda
  23. pakshivAhana gOvinda
  24. paandava priya gOvinda || (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  25. matsya koorma gOvinda
  26. madhusoodana hari gOvinda
  27. varAha narasimha gOvinda
  28. vAmana bhrigurAma govinda
  29. balarAmAnuja gOvinda
  30. boudhdha kalki dhara gOvinda
  31. vEnugaana priya gOvinda
  32. vEnkata ramaNA gOvinda ||  (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  33. siitaa nAyaka gOvinda
  34. shrita paripaalaka gOvinda
  35. daridrajana pOshaka gOvinda
  36. dharma samsthaapaka gOvinda
  37. anaatha rakshaka gOvinda
  38. aapadbhAndava gOvinda
  39. sharaNAgata vatsala gOvinda
  40. karuNA saagara gOvinda ||  (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  41. kamala daLaaksha gOvinda
  42. kaamitaphala dAta gOvinda
  43. paapa vinAshaka gOvinda
  44. paahi murArE gOvinda
  45. sri mudrAnkita gOvinda
  46. sri vastAnkita gOvinda
  47. dharaNee nAyaka gOvinda
  48. dinakara tEja gOvinda ||  (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  49. padmaavati priya gOvinda
  50. prasanna moorati gOvinda
  51. aashrita paksha gOvinda
  52. abhayahasta pradarshana gOvinda
  53. shankhchakra dhara gOvinda
  54. shArNga gadAdhara gOvinda
  55. virajaa tiirasta gOvinda
  56. virOdhi mardana gOvinda ||  (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  57. saalagrAma dhara gOvinda
  58. sahsra nAmA gOvinda
  59. lakshmiivallabh gOvinda
  60. lakshman agraja gOvinda
  61. kastoori tilakaa gOvinda
  62. kAnchanAmbara dhara gOvinda
  63. garuda vAhana gOvinda
  64. gaja rAja rakshak gOvinda ||  (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  65. vAnara sEvita gOvinda
  66. vAradhi bandhana gOvinda
  67. saptagiri vaasa gOvinda
  68. sakal svaroopa gOvinda
  69. srirAmakrishNa gOvinda
  70. raghukul nandana gOvinda
  71. pratyaksha dEva gOvinda
  72. paramdayAkara gOvinda ||  (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  73. vajrakavacha dhArA gOvinda
  74. vyjayanti maalaa gOvinda
  75. vyajadhan samgrahaa gOvinda
  76. vAsudEva tanayaa gOvinda
  77. bilvapatrArchita gOvinda
  78. bikshuka samstuta gOvinda
  79. stree-pum roopA govinda
  80. shivkEshav moorti gOvinda
  81. brahmAnda roopA govinda
  82. bhakta rakshaka gOvinda || (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  83. nitya kalyaaNa gOvinda
  84. neeraja nAbhA gOvinda
  85. haatiirAma priya gOvinda
  86. hari sarvOttama gOvinda
  87. janArdana moorti gOvinda
  88. jagat-sAkshi roopa gOvinda
  89. abhishEka priya gOvinda
  90. aapannivAraNa gOvinda || (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  91. ratna kiriitaa gOvinda
  92. rAmAnuja suta gOvinda      
    Last page of Govinda Namavali Pamphlet

  93. svayamprakAsa gOvinda
  94. sahasra aksha gOvinda
  95. nitya subhaprada gOvinda
  96. nikhila lOkEsha gOvinda
  97. aananda roopA gOvinda
  98. aadyanta rahitA gOvinda || (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
  99. ihapara dAyaka gOvinda
  100. ibha rAja rakshaka gOvinda
  101. parama dayALO gOvinda
  102. padmanAbha hari gOvinda
  103. tirumala vAsA gOvinda
  104. tulasii vanamAlA gOvinda
  105. shEshAdri nilaya gOvinda
  106. shEsha shAyinii gOvinda
  107. sri Srinivasa gOvinda
  108. sri VenkatEsa gOvinda || (gOvindaa hari gOvindaa gOkulanandana gOvindaa - 2 times)
After chanting these names, it is a practice of expressing one's bhakti bhavana (devotional love) through this chant "Edu kondala vaadaa Venkata Ramana gOvindaa gOvindaa gOvinda" which gets translated into "O Lord Venkateswara residing on the seven hills, protect me, protect me, protect me. It is a Telugu-language devotional submission. Other devotees express their bhakti by simply repeating one name "Govinda" three or more times.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Sri Venkateswara Ashtottara Shatanamavali - Worship With 108 Names

Lord Venkateswara Swamy is a personification of Vishnu who left Vaikunt to reside in the Seven Hills of Shesha Shaila. He has been described in the scriptures with various names of which these 108 names are popular as per the puja books. Just like Vishnu puja, his worship is also done by reciting the 108 names by offering flowers and/or kumkuma after each name. Simple recitation itself is enough if these are not available.

108 Names of Venkateswara With Meanings

  1. Om sri venkatEswaraaya namaha (my salutations to you, Sri Venkateswara)
  2. Om srinivaasaaya namaha (my salutations to you, O Abode of Lakshmi)
  3. Om Lakshmi patayE namaha (my salutations to you, O Consort of Lakshmi)
  4. Om anaamayaaya namaha (my salutations O Trouble-Less/ Disease-Less One)
  5. Om amrutaanshaaya namaha (my salutations O Nectar Like Sweet Being)
  6. Om jagadvandyaaya namaha (my salutatioons O Lord Revered & Worshiped by World)
  7. Om govindaaya namaha (my salutations, O Protector of All)
  8. Om shaasvataaya namaha (my salutations O Eternal Being)
  9. Om prabhavE namaha (my salutations to you, O Lord/  Shining Brilliance)
  10. Om shEshaadri nilayaaya namaha (my salutations, O Dweller of shEsaadri mountain)
  11. Om dEvaaya namaha (my salutations O God)
  12. Om kEsavaaya namaha (my salutations O Slayer of Demon kEsi/ O Lord with Long Hair)
  13. Om madhusoodanaaya namaha (my salutations to you, O Slayer of Madhu)
  14. Om amrutaaya namaha (my salutations, O Everlasting Being)
  15. Om maadhavaaya namaha (my salutations O Lord, Bearing Lakshmi)
  16. Om krishnaaya namaha (my salutation O Krishna - The Blue-Hued Blissful One)
  17. Om sri harayE namaha (my salutations, O Srihari; the remover of sins & obstructions)
  18. Om jnaana panjaraaya namaha (my salutations, O Abode (Cage) of Wisdom)
  19. Om srivatsa vakshasE namaha (my salutations, O Bearer of Srivatsa Mark on the Chest)
  20. Om sarvEshaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord of All Beings)
  21. Om gOpaalaaya namaha (my salutations, O Protector of Cows /Earth)
  22. Om purushOttamaaya namaha (my salutaions to you, The Supreme Being)
  23. Om gopiishvaraaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord of Gopis)
  24. Om paramjyOtishE namaha (my salutations, O Transcendental Light)
  25. Om vaikuntha patayE namaha (my salutations, O Lord of Vaikunt)
  26. Om avyayaaya namaha (my salutations, O DestructionLess / BodyLess Being)
  27. Om sudhaatanavE namaha (my salutations, O Nectar-Bodied)
  28. Om yaadavEndraaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord of Yadavas)
  29. Om nitya-yauvana roopa patE namaha (my salutations, O Ever Youthful Handsome Being)
  30. Om chaturvEdaatmakaaya namaha (my salutations, O Abode of Four Vedas)
  31. Om vishNavE namaha (my salutations, Vishnu, O All-Pervading One)
  32. Om achyutaaya namaha (my salutations, O Infallible One)
  33. Om padmini priyaaya namaha (my salutations, O Padmini's Dearest Being)
  34. Om dharaa patayE namaha (my salutations, O Lord of Mother Earth)
  35. Om surapatayE namaha (my salutations, O Lord of Divine Beings)
  36. Om nirmalaaya namaha (my salutations, O Pure Being)
  37. Om dEvapoojitaaya namaha (my salutations, O God worshiped by All)
  38. Om chaturbhujaaya namaha (my salutations, O Four-Shouldered Being)
  39. Om chakradharaaya namaha (my salutations to you, O Lord with The Divine Disc)
  40. Om tri-dhaamnE namaha (my salutations, O God who lives in three worlds)
  41. Om trigunaashrayaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord with the three qualities of Sat-Chit-Anand as your shelter)
  42. Om nirvikalpaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord you are the only option for us)
  43. Om nishkaLankaaya namaha (my salutations to You who are blemishless)
  44. Om niraatamkaaya namaha (my salutations, O Brave and Bold One with no terror)
  45. Om niranjanaaya namaha (my salutations, O Peaceful indulged Being)
  46. Om niraabhaasaaya namaha (my salutations, O Unmanifest Being)
  47. Om nitya triptaaya namaha (my salutations, O Ever-Satient Being)
  48. Om nirupadravaaya namaha (my salutations, O Trouble-Less Non-Violent Being)
  49. Om nirguNaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord devoid of material qualities)
  50. Om gadaadharaaya namaha (my salutations, O Bearer of Gada, the Mace)
  51. Om shaarnga paaNinE namaha (my salutations, O Holder of Bow in your hand)
  52. Om nandakinE namaha (my salutations, O Bearer of the Sword nandaka)
  53. Om shankh dhaarakaaya namaha (my salutations, O Bearer of Shankh, the conch)
  54. Om anEkamoortayE namaha (my salutations, O Bearer of Unlimited Forms)
  55. Om avyaktaaya namaha (my solutions, O Invisible Being)
  56. Om katihastaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord with Thy Hand on the Waist/ lower back)
  57. Om varapradaaya namaha (my salutations, O Benevolent Grantor of Boons)
  58. Om anEkaatmanE namaha (my salutations, O Dwellor of innumerable Souls)
  59. Om deenabhandavE namaha (my salutations, O Friend of the Poor Beings)
  60. Om aartalOka abhayapradaaya namaha (my salutations, O Bestower of Safety to troubled worlds)
  61. Om aakaasharaaja varadaaya namaha (my salutations, O Grantor of Boon to Sky Lord from the Demons living in three cities built in sky)
  62. Om yOgi hrutpadma mandiraaya namaha (my salutations, O Dweller in the Lotus like Hearts of Sages)
  63. Om daamOdaraaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord who has all Worlds in his Belly)
  64. Om jagatpaalaaya namaha (my salutations to the Being who Reigns the Universe)
  65. Om paapaghnaaya namaha (my salutations to the Destroyer of Sins)
  66. Om bhakta vatsalaaya namaha ( my salutations to You who is Fond of Devotees)
  67. Om Trivikramaaya namaha (my salutations, O Trivikram who spread through all three directions)
  68. Om simsumaaraaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord who is the Milky Way for attaining Moksha)
  69. Om jataamakuta sObhitaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lustrous Lord wearing Crown over Matted Hair) 
  70. Om shankhamadhyOllasa manju kinkiNyaadhya karandakaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord who enjoys wearing the garland of pearls retrieved from the conches)
  71. Om neelamEgha shyaama tanavE namaha (my salutations to You whose Body resembles the hue of a Blue Sky)
  72. Om bilvapatraarchana priyaaya namaha (my salutations to You who loves to be worshiped with Bilva Patra {the bEl leaves})
  73. Om jagadvyaapinE namaha (my salutations to Lord who Spread through the entire Universe)
  74. Om jagat kartrE namaha (my salutations to Lord who is the creator of Universe)
  75. Om jagat saakshiNe namaha (my salutations to One who is the Witness of entire Universe)
  76. Om jagat patayE namaha (my salutations to Lord of the Universe)
  77. Om chimtitaartha pradaayakaaya namaha (my salutations to One who Provides all Wished Results)
  78. Om jishNavE namaha (my salutations to You who is Spread through All Forms)
  79. Om daashaarhaaya namaha (my salutions, O Remover of Sins/Evils)
  80. Om dasharoopavatE namaha (my salutations, O God who Took Ten Forms - 10 avatars)
  81. Om dEvakii nandanaaya namaha (my salutations, O Son of Devaki)
  82. Om shourayE namaha (my salutations, O Brave Being)
  83. Om hayagriivaaya namaha (my salutations, O Horse-Necked One)
  84. Om janaardanaaya namaha (my salutations to you Who Destroys the Miseries of people)
  85. Om kanyaashravaNa taadyaaya namaha (my salutations to You Whose Flute-Sound enchants the ears of Maids)
  86. Om piitaambara dharaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord wearing the Silk clothes)
  87. Om anaghaaya namaha (my salutations, O Devoid of Sins)
  88. Om vanamaalinE namaha (my salutations to You who wears a Garland of Flowers/ wild flowers)
  89. Om padmanaabhaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lotus-Bellied)
  90. Om mrugayaasakta maanasaaya namaha (my salutations to You, Who is interested in Hunting) 
  91. Om ashvaarudyaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord, Riding on Horse)
  92. Om khadga dhaariNE namaha (my salutations, O Lord bearing the Sword)
  93. Om dhanaarjana samutsukaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord interested in earning Money to repay the debt to Kuber)
  94. Om Ghanasaara lasanmadhya kastoorii tilakOjjvalaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord whose central part in between the thick eyebrows is glowing with a sandal paste tilak)
  95. Om satchidaananda roopaaya namaha (my salutations, O Lord, the embodiment of the three qualities of Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss)
  96. Om jaganmangaLa daayakaaya namaha (my salutations to Him who bestows the wellbeing of the Universe)
  97. Om yajna roopaaya namaha (my salutations to Him who is the Personification of Sacrifice)
  98. Om yajna bhOktrE namaha (my salutations to Him who is the Receiver of Sacrifices)
  99. Om chinmayaaya namaha (my salutations to Him who is the Personification of Blissful Consciousness)
  100. Om paramEshwaraaya namaha (my salutations, O Supreme Being)
  101. Om paramaartha pradaaya namaha (my salutations, O Provider of Ultimate Truth/ Salvation)
  102. Om shaantaaya namaha (my salutations to You, O Peaceful Being)
  103. Om sriimatE namaha (my salutations, O Prosperous Being)
  104. Om dOrdanda vikramaaya namaha (my salutations to You, whose hands resemble Two Valorous Weapons)
  105. Om paraatparaaya namaha (my salutations to You, who are The Greatest of the Great)
  106. Om parabrahmaNE namaha (my salutations O Supreme Brahman)
  107. Om sriivibhavE namaha (my salutations to You, who are the Prosperity of Sri Lakshmi)
  108. Om jagadiishwaraaya namaha (my salutations, O Supreme Lord of Universe) 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Mangala Harathi Lyrics With Meanings - The Ending Part of Venkateswara Suprabhatam

Mangala harathi or Arati is a unique ritual performed at the end of any traditional ritual involving reciting vedic hymns, worship prayers, performing of homam/sacrifice, etc. It is a part of auspicious indulgements like marriage, upanayanam, griha pravesh, etc. The hymns are sung for the well-being of Gods, Angels, Gurus, and the Universe. 

Venkateswara Mangalaasaasanam is all about the lyrics recited for the well-being of God being sought by his devotees. The devotees being worried or doubtful that something bad may happen to God, keep praying for his wellness through hymns invoking blessings for God. It includes some lines at the end for the well-being of our teachers, Gurus.
Suprabhatam is being recited daily in Tirupati Devasthanams. It has four parts in it. 
These are 1) Suprabhatam, 2) Stotram, 3) Prapatti, and 4) Mangalaasaasanam.

In this post, I am providing the lyrics for the Mangalaasaasanam Part with their meanings in the English language.

I have dealt with the other 3 parts in my previous posts.

From the outside, one may think it absurd and foolish to wish for the safety and eternity of God who himself is supreme and all-powerful. But a true devotee, always worried about the well-being of his God (imagining him as his dearest child), keeps praying for his safety, just like the mother praying or wishing for her child's wellness.

Sri Venkateswara Mangalaasaasanam With Meanings in English

sriyah kaantaaya kaLyaaNa nidhayE nidhayErthinaam
sri venkata nivaasaaya srinivaasaaya mangaLam ( 1 ) 

May there be auspiciousness to you, O Lord Srinivasa, who lives on Venkata Hill, who having Lakshmi as his consort is thus the mine of auspiciousness itself; as well as for the seekers of his abode.

lakshmi savibhramaalOka subhroo vibhrama chaksusE
chaksusE sarvalOkaanaam venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 2 )

May auspiciousness shower on Venkatesa, whose eyes are so beautiful that the beautiful Lakshmi herself gets astonished and overcome by glancing at his eyebrows. May those eyes be ever auspicious, which are visualized by the entire universe.

sri vEnkataadri srungaagra mangaLaa bharaNaamghrayE
mangaLaanaam nivaasaaya srinivaasaaya mangaLam ( 3 )

Sri Venkata Hill's summit is adorned by the divine feet of Srinivasa; the feet thus divinifying the Hill and thereby gracing all his devotees whoever dwells there; may no harm happen to him and be there auspiciousness to him.

sarvaavayava soundarya sampadaam sarva chEtasaam
sadaa sammOhanaayaastu venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 4 )

Whose body and limbs are enriched with divine beauty and thus enchanting his devotees with that beauty, let there be all auspiciousness to that Venkatesa, and may no harm come to him.

nityaaya niravadyaaya satyaananda chidaatmanE
sarvaantaraatmanE srimad venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 5 )

One who is eternal, blemishless, and the embodiment of sat, chit, ananda (truth, knowledge, bliss); who dwells in all beings; may there be auspiciousness to that Venkatesa.

svatah sarvavidE sarva shaktayE sarva sEshinE
sulabhaaya suseelaaya venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 6 )

One who is Omniscient on his own, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent; one who is virtuous and easily accessible; may no harm come his way and let there be all auspiciousness to that Venkatesa.

parasmai brahmaNE poorNa kaamaaya paramaatmanE
prayunjE paratattvaaya venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 7 )

Who himself is the Parabrahman, with no wanting desires; the Supreme Being, with none surpassing him; may there be all auspiciousness and no harm come to such Venkatesa.

aakAla tattva mashraanta maatmanaam-anupasyataam
atrupta-amrutaroopaaya venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 8 )

There has been nobody, nor present, nor there will be in the future who satiated himself by looking at his beauty or by understanding his divine qualities. May there be all auspiciousness to such Venkatesa.

praayah svacharaNau pumsaam sharaNyatvEna paaNinaa
krupayaa dishatE srimad venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 9 )

Your right hand is held in a posture that points to your feet as if by the grace of kindness you are revealing the secret of your divine feet to be the abode of salvation to all your devotees. O Venkatesha, let there be all auspiciousness to you!

dayaamruta tarangiNyaa starangair-iva sheetalaihi
apaamgaih sinchatE viswam venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 10 )

The merciful, nectar-filled eyes of Venkatesa when glanced at his devotees make them experience as if their bodies are immersed in cool waters thereby providing a blissful experience. 

sragbhooshaambara hEteenaam sushamaavaha moortayE
sarvaarti shamanaayaastu venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 11 )

Adorned by divine clothes, jewelry, and garlands, the beauty of Lord Venkatesa becomes more adorable thereby removing all sorrows of his devotees and filling them with joy. May auspiciousness be there to such Venkatesa.

sri vaikunta viraktaaya swaami pushkariNee tate
ramayaa ramamaaNaaya venkatEshaaya mangaLam ( 12 )

Being disenchanted and tired by the abode of Vaikunt, Lord took abode at the lake on Tirumala Hills along with Sri Lakshmi and is enjoying there with her. May there be auspiciousness to Sri Venkatesa.

srimat sundara jaamaatru muni  maanasa vaasinE
sarvalOka nivaasaaya srinivaasaaya mangaLam ( 13 )

Residing in the beautiful mind of Manavala Muni, he also resides in the entire universe. May no evil reach him and be there all auspiciousness to Srinivasa.

mangaLaasaasana parair-madaachaarya purOgamaihi
sarvaischa poorvaachaaryai satkrutaayaastu mangaLam ( 14 )

Let there be all well-being and auspiciousness to all the acharyas beginning with my own guru to the primordial guru including Sri Lakshmi and Sriman Narayan, who are the supreme acharyas.

Om itihi srivenkatEswara mangaLaasaasanam sampoorNam ||

Thus end the hymns offering "auspicious felicitations" to Lord Venkateswara.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Sri Venkateswara Prapatti - Suprabhatam - Part 3 - Lyrics With Meanings

Prapatti means Sharanaagati or the act of surrendering to God with full faith in Him.
Venkateswara prapatti deals with the lyrical singing of prayers expressing one's unconditional submission before Lord Venkateswara.

Venkateswara Suprabhatam has four chapters in it. The first Chapter deals with the Awakening of God, and the Second one is the lyrical prayers sung in praise of Him. I have provided the lyrics with their meanings for these two parts already in my previous posts.

Now, I am providing the hymns sung in submission to God that constitute the Sri Venkateswara Prapatti Chapter. There are sixteen verses in this part. Each hymn is narrated with its meaning in English. 

Sri Venkateswara Prapatti

iishaanaam jagatOsya vEnkatapatE(r) vishnO paraam prEyasiim
tadvakshasthala nityavaasa rasikaam tat kshaanti samvardhiniim
padmaalamkruta paaNipallava yugaam padmaasanasthaam sriyam
vaatsalyaadi guNojjvalaam bhagavatiim vandE jaganmaataram || ( 1 )

O Mother, who is the beloved of the Lord of the Universe, Vishnu in the form of Venkateswara!
Who likes to reside in Lord's chest always, and promotes forgiveness!
Whose tender red-hued hands are decorated with Lotus flowers, and sit in Lotus flowers!
I salute to you O, Goddess! who is radiant with love and kindness.

sriman krupaajala nidhE ! kritasarvalOka 
sarvajna ! bhakta natavatsala ! sarva shEsin
swaamin ! susheela sulabhaashrita paarijaata
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 2 )

O, Abode of Prosperity and Ocean of Compassion! Creator of all Universe!
Omniscient! Caretaker of Devotees! The Primordial Being!
O Goddess! Easily reachable Parijata (divine tree) for morally good ones seeking refuge!
I beseech shelter at Lord Venkateswara's feet.

aanoopuraarchita sujaata sugandhi pushpa
sourabhya sourabha karou sama sannivEshau
soumyau sadaanubhavanEpi  navaanubhaavyau
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 3 )

I seek refuge at the feet of Sri Venkatesa whose feet up to the anklets are being worshipped with good-smelling superb flowers that are enrichened by the feet of Venkatesa. The well-placed flowers are handsome thereby making the feet more enjoyable. Even though we have already enjoyed and enjoying them daily, each experience brings some new and unique enjoyment.

sadyO vikaasi samuditvara saamdra raaga
sourabhya nirbhara sarOruha saamya vaartaam
samyakshu saahasa padEsu vilEkhayantau
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 4 )

Those feet which are inducing me to quickly reach to them as they mesmerize me with the beauty and red hues surpassing the beauty and fragrances of the lotus flowers, (though it is foolishness to compare Lord's feet with Lotuses and that act itself is a bold folly), I surrender myself at Sri Venkatesa's feet.

rEkhaamaya dhwaja sudhaakala saatapatra
vajraamkusha amburuha kalpaka shankhachakrai
bhavyair alankrita talau paratattva chihnaih
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 5 )

The feet whose soles bear divine marks like the Flag or banner, the Nectar pot, the Umbrella, the Thunderbolt, the Goad, the Lotus, the Kalpaka (divine tree), The Conch, and the Wheel - at these feet of Sri Venkatesa I seek refuge which are thus decorated gloriously. 

taamrOdara dyuti paraajita padmaraagau
baahyair mahobhi rabhoota mahEndra neelau
udyannakhaamsubhi rudasta shashaamka bhaasau 
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 6 )

I seek refuge at the feet of Sri Venkatesa whose copper-hued abdomen's glow surpasses the shining glory of even the Rubies and Lotuses; whose radiance surpasses the brilliance of Sapphires known as Indraneela Stones; and whose toenails also outpower the brilliance of the moonlight.   

saprEmabheeti kamalaa kara pallavaabhyaam
samvaahanEpi sapadiklama maadadhaanau
kaantaava vaangmaanasa gOchara saukumaaryau
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 7 )

Whose feet, even though massaged with utmost love and anxiety (because of his restlessness) by the lotus-like tender hands of Lakshmi, keep on experiencing fatigue and restlessness; those feet that are so soft and charming resembling the feet of young women of which any description is out of the scope mind or speech; I seek refuge at those feet of Sri Venkatesa.

lakshmii mahii tadanuroopa nijaanubhaava
neeLaadi divyamahishii kara pallavaanaam
aaruNya sankramaNatah kila saamdra raagau
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 8 )

I seek refuge at those feet of Sri Venkatesa, whose feet have become red due to the touch of the lotus-hued hands of Lakshmi Devi and similarly great hands of his Divine Queens like Neela and others.

nityaa namadvidhi sivaadi kiriitakOti
pratyuptadeepta navaratna mahah prarOhai
neeraajanaa vidhi mudaara mupaadadhaanau
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 9 )

I seek refuge at those feet of Sri Venkatesa which seem to receive the beautiful aarati (nirajanam) from the glowing radiance of the nine gems studded crowns touching his feet due to the bowed heads of Shiva and other thousands of Gods.

"vishNO padE parama" ityudita prasamsau
yau 'madhva utsa' iti bhOgyatayaa pyupaattau
bhooyastadhEti tava paaNitalau pratiStau
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 10 )

The feet that have been praised with much touching and divinely phrases such as "Vishno Pade Parama" in Vedas meaning 'in the most exalted abode' and also as "madhva utsa" meaning 'fountain of honey' and as such are mostly enjoyable feet which is further bestowed by your graceful palm; I seek refuge at those feet of Sri Venkatesa.

paarthaaya tatsadrusa saaradhinaa tyayaiva
yau darshitau svacharaNau sharaNam prajEti
BhooyOpi mahya mihatau kara darshitautE
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 11 )

I seek refuge at the feet of Sri Venkatesa, who himself as a charioteer of Arjuna has revealed his divine form thereby inspiring Arjuna to seek refuge at his feet; which feet are again positioned here in Tirumala Tirupati to be sought as refuge as indicated by your palm, O Lord.

manmoordhni kaaLiyaphaNe vikataataveeSu
sri vEnkataadri shikharE sirasi shrutiinaam
chittEpyananya manasaam samamaahitautE
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 12 )

Those feet that are alike placed on my head, on the serpent KaLi's hood, in the midst of dreadful forest, on the summit of Venkata mountain, in the Vedas & Upanishads, in the hearts of the sages who are immersed in the meditation of God, thus present all around as omnipresent; I seek refuge at thoose feet of Sri Venkatesa.

amlaanahruSya davaniitala kiirNa pushpau
sri vEnkataadri shikharaabharaNaaya maanau
aananditaakhila manOnayanau tavaitau
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 13 )

Those feet that are surrounded by flowers that keep ever blossoming without withering; such feet which are like ornaments to the Venkatachala hill and by the sight of which everyone's eyes and minds are filled with utmost pleasure and bliss; I seek refuge at those feet of Sri Venkatesa.

praayah prasanna janataa prathamaavagaahyau
maatuh stanaaviva sisOr amrutaaya maanau
praaptau paraspara tulaa matulaamtarautE
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 14 )

Those feet that are most pleasurable even at first sight itself providing a nectar-like enjoyment just like mother's breasts are to the baby; those that can be compared with one another and are inseparable from each other; I seek refuge at those feet.

satvOttarai ssatatasEvya padaambujEna
samsaara taaraka dayaadra druganchalEna
soumyau payantru muninaa mama darsitautE
sri venkatEsa charaNau sharaNam prapadyE || ( 15 )

I seek refuge at those feet of Sri Venkatesa that were shown to me by the great Sage (Guru) Manavaala Muni; whose feet themselves get worshipped daily by the pure and virtuous men; and the sight of which feet themselves are capable of liberating people from the worldly realms.

Sri sa sriyaa ghatikayaa tvadupaaya bhaavE
praapyE tvayi svaya mupEtayaa sphurantyaa
nityaasritaaya niravadya guNaaya tubhyam
syaam kinkarO vrushagiriisa na jaatu mahyam || ( 16 )

Oh Lord! Whenever people seek for Liberation from this material world, Sri Lakshmi also gracess them with that pursuit; and whenever we look at you as our goal, Lakshmi also is visualised to be our goal due to her attachment to your glories. O, Venkatesa, I always seek refuge at your feet and am not aware of any other abodes.

Om itih Sri Venkatesa Prapatti SampoorNam -
Thus ends the renditions of Sri Venkateswara Lord's Prapatti (expression of Surrendrance hymns).