In this sri rama stotram collection, I am giving some most popular slokas or verses for worshipping God "Sri Rama" who is an incarnation of Vishnu during Treta Yuga.
There is also one most powerful mantra of Rama (known as Sri Rama Rama Rameti mantra) that brings huge benefits for you. It is believed that Lord Shiva revealed this mantra to Parvati when she asked for a shorter version of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
It is given as the fourth lyric under each of the three language options below.
Hindi / Sanskrit Text
आपदा मप हर्तारम् दातारम सर्व सम्पदाम्
लोकाभिरामम् श्री रामम् भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम् ॥
श्री राघवम् दशरथात्मज मप्रमेयम्
सीता पतिम् रघुकुलान्वय रत्न दीपम्
आजानु बाहुम् अरविन्द दलायताक्षम्
रामम् निशाचर विनाश करम् नमामि ॥
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीताया: पतये नमः ।॥
श्री राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे
सहस्र नाम तत्तुल्यम् राम नाम वरानने ॥
Telugu Text
శ్రీరామ స్తోత్రాలు
ఆపదా మపహర్తారం దాతారం సర్వ సంపదామ్
లోకాభిరామం శ్రీ రామం భూయో భూయో నమామ్యహమ్ ॥
శ్రీ రాఘవం దశరథాత్మజ మప్రమేయం
సీతాపతిం రఘు కులాన్వయ రత్న దీపమ్
ఆజాను బాహుం అరవింద దళాయతాక్షం
రామం నిశాచర వినాశకరం నమామి ॥
రామాయ రామభద్రాయ రామచంద్రాయ వేధసే
రఘునాథాయ నాథాయ సీతాయా పతయే నమ: ॥
శ్రీ రామ రామ రామేతి రమే రామే మనోరమే
సహస్ర నామ తత్తుల్యమ్ రామ నామ వరాననే ॥
Sri Rama Stotram Lyrics and Rama Mantra in English Text
aapadaa mapahartaaram daataaram sarv sampadaam
lokaabhiraamam shri raamam bhooyo bhooyo namaamyaham || 1 ||
shri raaghavam dasharathaatmaj mapramEyam
seethaapatim raghu kulaanvay ratna deepam
aajaanubaahum aravind dalaayataaksham
raamam nishaachar vinaashkaram namaami || 2 ||
raamaaya raamabhadraaya raamachandraaya vEdhasE
raghunaathaaya naathaaya seethaayaa-patayE namah || 3 ||
sri raama raama raamEti ramE raamE manOramE
sahasr naam tat tulyam raama naama varaananE || 4 ||
Meanings for Sri Rama Stotram in English
Sloka (1)
aapadaam = troubles, apahartaaram = destroyer or remover, daataaram = bestower or giver, sarva= all, sampadaam = wealth, lokaabhiraamam = chief or Lord of lokas (all worlds), Shri raamam = to that Sri Rama, bhooyo bhooyo = again and again, namaamyaham = I am paying respects (by folding hands or prostrating on floor).
So, the full meaning of this sloka is as follows:-
I pay my respects or salutations to Sri Rama, who is the remover of troubles and the bestower of all wealth and one who is the lord of all worlds.
Sloka (2)
Raaghavam = Rama is known as Raghava as he was born in Raghu vansh clan. Dasharath = father of Rama, aatmajam = born to or son of, aprameyam = non disputable, seethapati = Sita's husband (pati means husband), raghu kulaanvaya = descendants of Raghu kula or dynasty, ratna deepam = jewel light (one who shines like jewel), aajaanubaahum = one having arms touching to the knees, aravind = a lotus flower (I hope it is purely white flower), dala = petal, aayata = width or wide, aksham = eyes, raamam = Sri Rama, nishachar = night wanderers (demons), vinaasha karam = one who destroys, namaami = paying respect.
So, the full meaning of this second sloka is as follows:-
I am saluting to Sri Rama, who is known as Raghava, indisputably the son of Dasharatha and husband of Sita, the glowing light (like a jewel) of the whole Raghu kula dynasty, one who possesses arms touching to his knees (it is a virtue for men), and his eyes wide open resembling petals of pure white lotus flower and who is the destroyer of all demons and evil spirits.
There is also one most powerful mantra of Rama (known as Sri Rama Rama Rameti mantra) that brings huge benefits for you. It is believed that Lord Shiva revealed this mantra to Parvati when she asked for a shorter version of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
It is given as the fourth lyric under each of the three language options below.
Hindi / Sanskrit Text
आपदा मप हर्तारम् दातारम सर्व सम्पदाम्

श्री राघवम् दशरथात्मज मप्रमेयम्
सीता पतिम् रघुकुलान्वय रत्न दीपम्
आजानु बाहुम् अरविन्द दलायताक्षम्
रामम् निशाचर विनाश करम् नमामि ॥
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीताया: पतये नमः ।॥
श्री राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे
सहस्र नाम तत्तुल्यम् राम नाम वरानने ॥
Telugu Text
శ్రీరామ స్తోత్రాలు
ఆపదా మపహర్తారం దాతారం సర్వ సంపదామ్
లోకాభిరామం శ్రీ రామం భూయో భూయో నమామ్యహమ్ ॥
శ్రీ రాఘవం దశరథాత్మజ మప్రమేయం
సీతాపతిం రఘు కులాన్వయ రత్న దీపమ్
ఆజాను బాహుం అరవింద దళాయతాక్షం
రామం నిశాచర వినాశకరం నమామి ॥
రామాయ రామభద్రాయ రామచంద్రాయ వేధసే
రఘునాథాయ నాథాయ సీతాయా పతయే నమ: ॥
శ్రీ రామ రామ రామేతి రమే రామే మనోరమే
సహస్ర నామ తత్తుల్యమ్ రామ నామ వరాననే ॥
Sri Rama Stotram Lyrics and Rama Mantra in English Text
aapadaa mapahartaaram daataaram sarv sampadaam
lokaabhiraamam shri raamam bhooyo bhooyo namaamyaham || 1 ||
shri raaghavam dasharathaatmaj mapramEyam
seethaapatim raghu kulaanvay ratna deepam
aajaanubaahum aravind dalaayataaksham
raamam nishaachar vinaashkaram namaami || 2 ||
raamaaya raamabhadraaya raamachandraaya vEdhasE
raghunaathaaya naathaaya seethaayaa-patayE namah || 3 ||
sri raama raama raamEti ramE raamE manOramE
sahasr naam tat tulyam raama naama varaananE || 4 ||
Meanings for Sri Rama Stotram in English
Sloka (1)
aapadaam = troubles, apahartaaram = destroyer or remover, daataaram = bestower or giver, sarva= all, sampadaam = wealth, lokaabhiraamam = chief or Lord of lokas (all worlds), Shri raamam = to that Sri Rama, bhooyo bhooyo = again and again, namaamyaham = I am paying respects (by folding hands or prostrating on floor).
So, the full meaning of this sloka is as follows:-
I pay my respects or salutations to Sri Rama, who is the remover of troubles and the bestower of all wealth and one who is the lord of all worlds.
Sloka (2)
Raaghavam = Rama is known as Raghava as he was born in Raghu vansh clan. Dasharath = father of Rama, aatmajam = born to or son of, aprameyam = non disputable, seethapati = Sita's husband (pati means husband), raghu kulaanvaya = descendants of Raghu kula or dynasty, ratna deepam = jewel light (one who shines like jewel), aajaanubaahum = one having arms touching to the knees, aravind = a lotus flower (I hope it is purely white flower), dala = petal, aayata = width or wide, aksham = eyes, raamam = Sri Rama, nishachar = night wanderers (demons), vinaasha karam = one who destroys, namaami = paying respect.
So, the full meaning of this second sloka is as follows:-
I am saluting to Sri Rama, who is known as Raghava, indisputably the son of Dasharatha and husband of Sita, the glowing light (like a jewel) of the whole Raghu kula dynasty, one who possesses arms touching to his knees (it is a virtue for men), and his eyes wide open resembling petals of pure white lotus flower and who is the destroyer of all demons and evil spirits.
Sloka (3)
Raamaaya = to Rama, raamabhadraaya = one known as Ramabhadra (Rama stayed at a hill known as Bhadrachal. So he is known as Ramabhadra), raamachandraaya = Rama shines like the moon. So he is known as Ramachandra., vEdhase = in the Vedas (Veda is a holy scripture), Raghu naathaaya = among all raghuvansha kings, naathaaya = he is the Lord, seethaayaa pataye = husband of Sita, namaha = salutations.
The full meaning of this third sloka is as follows:-
My salutations to Rama who is also known as Ramabhadra and Ramachandra, who is mentioned in Vedas as the greatest lord of Raghuvansha and the whole world, and who is the consort of Sita.
Sloka (4)-
This is actually a mantra having the full powers of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
This sloka was actually disclosed by Lord Shiva himself to his consort Parvati.
Parvati was too much alarmed about the ignorance and the agonies faced by people. When God imparted the Vishnu Sahasranamam as the only remedy for people to get rid of their worldly sins and troubles, Parvati got worried. She felt sorry for the layman who cannot recite those highly standard verses.
So, she asked her Lord Shiva to provide a simplified version of Vishnu Sahasranamam. Then, Shiva disclosed to her about the power of the word "Rama". He tells her that taking the name of "Rama" three times is equal to the recitation of the whole text of Vishnu Sahasranamam.
So, here goes the meaning of this powerful mantra.
Shri Rama, Rama, Raameti = Rama, Rama, and Rama in this manner taking the name 3 times;
ramE = to play or enjoy; raamE = beautiful play with the word of Rama; manOramE = Hey Parvati; (who is good looking and appealing to the heart and soul), sahasranaama = 1000 names; tattulyam = equals to; raama Naama = Rama's name; varaananE = is gifted with.
So, the full essence of this 4th hymn"sri rama rama rameti sloka" is that taking the name of "Rama" three times is equal to and is empowered with the powers that can be obtained by way of reciting the entire 1000 names of Vishnu. Know this fact, You, O Good looking Parvati!