Shivling is a symbol of consciousness and bliss. It represents ascending energy and light and refers to the union of matter with consciousness.
There is a mythological story that refers to a quarrel between Brahma and Vishnu over who is superior. To resolve their conflict, Lord Shiva created the Shivling and challenged them to find the beginning and end points. It began growing from the netherworld to the sky within moments. Brahma flew into the sky to locate its tip, while Vishnu dived into the ocean to discover its bottom point. Neither of them could find the end. While Vishnu conceded defeat, Brahma was arrogant and falsely claimed to have found the uppermost point. Shiva cursed Brahma, declaring that no one would worship him from that day onward. Later, Brahma sought forgiveness, and Vishnu requested Shiva to pardon him. Thus, Shiva forgave Brahma. Vishnu and Brahma, along with other celestial beings, worshiped the Shivlinga for the first time. That is how the Shivalinga came into being, and the practice of its worship followed from then on.
Now, I am providing the lyrics of Lingashtakam and their meanings.
The capital letters "A," "O," and "E" indicate the length of the syllables where I used them.
Lingaashtakam Lyrics
brahma-muraari suraarchita lingam
nirmala bhaasita shObhita lingam
janmaja dukha vinaashaka lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (1)
That shivling worshiped by Brahma, Vishnu (the slayer of the demon Mura), and all angels; that which appears pure, holy, and resplendent; that which dispels the miseries acquired even from previous births: I offer my obeisance to that Sadaashiva Lingam.
dEvamuni pravarArchita lingam
kAma dahana karuNAkara lingam
rAvaNa darpa vinAshana lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (2)
That which gets worshiped with flowers and kumkuma by angels, munis, and brahmins; that which destroys desires and generates compassion and gentleness; that which destroyed the pride and arrogance of Ravana; I offer my obeisance to that sadashiva Lingam.
sarva sugandhi sulEpita lingam
buddhi vivardhana kAraNa lingam
siddha surAsura vandita lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (3)
That which gets adored with coats of sandal and other fragrant pastes; that which is the seed for growth of wisdom; that which gets revered by enlighten ascetics, sages, and the angels and demons equally; I offer my obeisance to that sadashiva Lingam.
kanaka mahAmaNi bhooshita lingam
phaNi parivEshtita shObhita lingam
dakshasu yajna vinAshana lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (4)
That Linga which is decorated with gold and diamond jewelry; which shines on being encircled by the serpent king (Vaasuki); that which destroyed the yajna of Daksha {rajapati; I offer my obeisance to that sadashiva Lingam.
kumkuma chandana lEpita lingam
pankaja haara sushObhita lingam
sanchita paapa vinAshana lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (5)
That Linga which gets worshiped with the paste of kumkuma and chandana, that shines beautifully adorned with lotus garlands, that eradicates accumulated sins; I offer my obeisance to that Sadashiva Lingam.
dEvagaNArchita sEvita lingam
bhAvairbhakti bhirEvacha lingam
dinakara kOti prabhAkara lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (6)
That Lingam which is attended by angels, gaNas, and others; that which ignites devotion and emotions, that which spreads radiance similar to that of one crore Suns; I offer my obeisance to that Sadashiva Lingam.
ashtadaLO parivEshtita lingam
sarva samudbhava kAraNa lingam
ashta daridra vinAshana lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (7)
That which is surrounded by the eight petals (or the eight directions); that which is the reason for all this creation; that which destroys the eight poverties; I offer my obeisance to that sadashiva Lingam.
The Eight Poverties are as follows:
The lack of Food, Clothes, Shelter (home), Wealth (cash, etc.), Education (wisdom), Children (offspring), Friends and Relatives, and Land.
suraguru suravara poojita lingam
suravana pushpa sadArchita lingam
paramapadam paramAtmaka lingam
tat praNamaami sadaashiva lingam || (8)
That Lingam which is worshiped by the angels, their Guru Brihaspati, and all eminent beings; gets daily worshiped through the offerings of flowers from the Garden of Angels; that which bestows eternal bliss; I offer my obeisance to that Sadashiva Lingam.
Phala Shruti
lingAshtakamidam puNyam
yah paThet sivasannidhou
sivalOka mavApnOti
shivEna sahamOdatE ||
This is the holy and divine Lingaashtakam. Whoever recites it daily in the presence of Lord Shiva reaches His abode and enjoys a blissful reunion with Him.
iti lingaashtakam sampoorNam
(Here ends the Lingaashtakam)
Om namO shri shivapArvatayE namah ||