Ganesha Ashtakam is rendered in the worship of Lord Ganesha, the Elephant-Headed God. He is the Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Lord.

Lord Ganesha is the lord of all Ganas. Gana means a group. So, Ganesha is the head or chief of all the different groups of living beings all over the universe. He is in control of all those Ganas and thereby he is able to execute various tasks through them.
Ganesha is believed to be capable of removing all the obstacles in your path if you worship Him with sincere faith and belief.
That is why people pray to Ganesha before starting any work or project. Even for the worship of Lord Shiva or Lord Narayan, you need to first worship Ganesha and then start your puja or worship. Thereby Ganesha helps you in seeking their blessings.
Ashtakam is a composition of eight verses in the praise of God describing his beauty and other superb qualities.
The eight verses or slokas in the praise of Lord Ganesha are provided here with their meanings in English.
pAsAngusha dharam devam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 1 )
Meaning: Oh, elephant-headed (or necked), superior among angels, and adorned with fan-like ears, oh God that holds the rope and goad in Thy hands, my salutations to You the leader of Ganas.
Eka dantam, mahAkAyam, taptha kAnchana sannibham |
lambOdaram, vishAlAksham, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 2 )
Meaning: Oh God, possessing a single tusk, large body, and resembling (glowing like) a molten Gold, whose stomach is long (big), and eyes are wide; my salutations to Thee, the leader of Ganas.
MounjiikrishnAjina dharam, nAga yajnOpaviitinam |
bAlEndu vilAsa mouLiim, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 3 )
Meaning: One who wears moonja grass & deerskin on his waist, and a serpent as the sacred thread, who has the infant moon in his lock of hair over the head; my salutations to Thee, Oh leader of GaNas.
AmbikAhridayAnandam, matrubhih paripAlitam |
Bhaktapriyam, madOnmattam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 4 )
Meaning: One who makes Mother Ambika's (Parvati's) heart happy, who is looked after by his mother, one who loves his devotees, and gets excited by his vigor, my salutations to Thee, the leader of Ganas.
Chitra ratna chitrAnga, chitramAlA vibhooshitam |
chitra roopa dharam dEvam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 5 )
Meaning: Oh Lord, who has unique features decorated with colorful gems and garlands, and who bears a unique form; my salutations to Thee, oh leader of GaNas.
Mooshakottama mAroohya, dEvAsura mahAhavE |
yOdhukAmam mahAviiryam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 6 )
Meaning: One who rides on the superior mouse, who is worshiped by devas (angels) and asuras (demons) alike, and greatest among all warriors, my salutations to Thee, oh leader of GaNas.
Yaksha kinnara ghandarva siddha vidyAdharai sadA |
sthuyamAnam mahAbAhum, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 7 )
Meaning: The Yakshas, Kinnaras, Gandharvas, and Vidyadharas always keep offering prayers to Thee, oh valorous-shouldered, my salutations to Thee, oh leader of GaNas.
Sarva vighna haram dEvam, sarva vighna vivarjitam |
sarva siddhi pradAtaram, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 8 )
Meaning: One who removes all obstacles, and relieves you from the hurdles in your path, one who provides you with all divine powers (or your desires); my salutations to Thee, oh leader (or Lord) of GaNas.
vimuktA sarva pApEbhyO rudra lOkam sa gachhati ||
Meaning: Whoever recites this pious and virtuous octane (eight verses) of Ganesha with utter devotion, he will get relieved from all his worldly sins and goes to the Rudra Loka which is the abode of Lord Shiva.

Lord Ganesha is the lord of all Ganas. Gana means a group. So, Ganesha is the head or chief of all the different groups of living beings all over the universe. He is in control of all those Ganas and thereby he is able to execute various tasks through them.
Ganesha is believed to be capable of removing all the obstacles in your path if you worship Him with sincere faith and belief.
That is why people pray to Ganesha before starting any work or project. Even for the worship of Lord Shiva or Lord Narayan, you need to first worship Ganesha and then start your puja or worship. Thereby Ganesha helps you in seeking their blessings.
Ashtakam is a composition of eight verses in the praise of God describing his beauty and other superb qualities.
The eight verses or slokas in the praise of Lord Ganesha are provided here with their meanings in English.
Ganesha Ashtakam
Gaja vakthram, sura srEshtam, karNa chAmara bhooshitam |pAsAngusha dharam devam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 1 )
Meaning: Oh, elephant-headed (or necked), superior among angels, and adorned with fan-like ears, oh God that holds the rope and goad in Thy hands, my salutations to You the leader of Ganas.
Eka dantam, mahAkAyam, taptha kAnchana sannibham |
lambOdaram, vishAlAksham, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 2 )
Meaning: Oh God, possessing a single tusk, large body, and resembling (glowing like) a molten Gold, whose stomach is long (big), and eyes are wide; my salutations to Thee, the leader of Ganas.
MounjiikrishnAjina dharam, nAga yajnOpaviitinam |
bAlEndu vilAsa mouLiim, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 3 )
Meaning: One who wears moonja grass & deerskin on his waist, and a serpent as the sacred thread, who has the infant moon in his lock of hair over the head; my salutations to Thee, Oh leader of GaNas.
AmbikAhridayAnandam, matrubhih paripAlitam |
Bhaktapriyam, madOnmattam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 4 )
Meaning: One who makes Mother Ambika's (Parvati's) heart happy, who is looked after by his mother, one who loves his devotees, and gets excited by his vigor, my salutations to Thee, the leader of Ganas.
Chitra ratna chitrAnga, chitramAlA vibhooshitam |
chitra roopa dharam dEvam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 5 )
Meaning: Oh Lord, who has unique features decorated with colorful gems and garlands, and who bears a unique form; my salutations to Thee, oh leader of GaNas.
Mooshakottama mAroohya, dEvAsura mahAhavE |
yOdhukAmam mahAviiryam, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 6 )
Meaning: One who rides on the superior mouse, who is worshiped by devas (angels) and asuras (demons) alike, and greatest among all warriors, my salutations to Thee, oh leader of GaNas.
Yaksha kinnara ghandarva siddha vidyAdharai sadA |
sthuyamAnam mahAbAhum, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 7 )
Meaning: The Yakshas, Kinnaras, Gandharvas, and Vidyadharas always keep offering prayers to Thee, oh valorous-shouldered, my salutations to Thee, oh leader of GaNas.
Sarva vighna haram dEvam, sarva vighna vivarjitam |
sarva siddhi pradAtaram, vandEham GaNa nAyakam || ( 8 )
Meaning: One who removes all obstacles, and relieves you from the hurdles in your path, one who provides you with all divine powers (or your desires); my salutations to Thee, oh leader (or Lord) of GaNas.
Ending sloka:
GaNAshtakamidam puNyam bhaktitho ya padhEnnarah |vimuktA sarva pApEbhyO rudra lOkam sa gachhati ||
Meaning: Whoever recites this pious and virtuous octane (eight verses) of Ganesha with utter devotion, he will get relieved from all his worldly sins and goes to the Rudra Loka which is the abode of Lord Shiva.