I am much worried about seeing that these publishers of NewsPapers have forgotten the definition and the meaning of a newspaper.
I hope that a newspaper is for providing the news. Not for presenting those advertisements as the
main content of it.

main content of it.
We subscribe to newspapers to get the news that happens around the world. We would like to know at a first glance the main events that took place all around there during the last 24 hours. That's why we buy these newspapers. Is it right?
But, if we are prevented from seeing that frontpage news, what is the benefit in procuring the paper?
Most of these publishers are blocking the subscribers from their privileged news by big banners of frontpage advertisements. It is simply the hijacking of the privilege of their customers. Isn't it?
You should know that people who are interested in those advertising banners of posh villas and apartments, or jewelry and other luxury items are simply a minority and, even then, they too might want to know the big news around the world at first instant than look at those advertisements. Am I right?
And, you must also know this one more important point.
Most of us (or maybe some ample percentage of your subscribers) do not have time to read the news at the instant of the paperboy throwing the paper at our doorsteps.
We have our daily routine more important work than reading the news that early. We simply want to look at the headlines in that fraction of a minute while we take the paper from our doorstep and put it inside. I could afford only those few seconds to glance at the top news of the day and I feel much embarrassed to find that big banner staring at me on the front page. So, I am prevented from looking at the news. And, keep it aside only to find time after my lunch. This is my case. And, I hope many subscribers of these newspapers might be facing some similar problems due to these advertisements blocking their view.
As all of us know, there is certainly no need to subscribe to these newspapers as we are getting everything readymade on the internet. So, why should we subscribe to these things paying an ample amount of money?
Because I am very fond of those editorials and the wonderful columns in the center page of the newspaper. I am very much interested and enjoy reading those views and articles of popular writers and feel some pleasure as if I am interacting with them and enjoying their presence in my room. This is the main purpose of my buying these hard copies of newspapers and for the frontpage news and the almanac, weather report, etc. also. And, a bit of those sports news and getting acquainted with financial matters.
And I hope that many of you also must be having your own choices of buying these newspapers. But, definitely not for those marketing advertisements like that which frustrate you.
I am not against the media people making their business. I simply want to remind them that there should be some norms and limits for their indulgences. Don't play with your subscribers in any way.
Kindly don't block our front page with that unwanted advertisement.
You can put it at the back of the front page or the next page. Already you are having so many pages allocated for advertisements, especially in the weekend days, that cover half of the total number of pages. So, not on the main page of your news, please!