It is believed that it is much easier to obtain the grace of the Goddess than God, just like the love of a mother is more easily available than that from the father.
So, the worship of Lakshmi (also known as Mahalakshmi) holds significant importance during all puja ceremonies.
I am providing the Lakshmi Stotram lyrics in English along with their meanings. Further, I have done the lyrics in Hindi text also at the bottom along with the benefits of worshiping Lakshmi Devi.
Lakshmi Stotram Lyrics
vandE padmakaraam, prasanna vadanaam, soubhaagyadaam, bhaagyadaam,
hastaabhyaam abhaya pradaam, maNigaNair naanaa vidhair bhooshitaam,
bhaktaabhiista phala pradaam, Harihara, Brahmaadibhi ssEvitaam,
paarshvE pankaja, shankha, padma, nidhibhir yuktaam, sadaa shakhti bhihi ||
sarasija nayanE, sarOja hastE, dhavaLataraamsuka gandhamaalya shObhE,
bhagavatee, harivallabhE, manOjnE, tribhuvana bhootakari praseedamahyam || (1)
Meaning of the Above Hymn:
I fold my hands and offer my salutations to Goddess Lakshmi. Her hands are like lotus (or she holds a lotus in her hands). She has a cheerful face and bestows fortunes and prosperity. She offers blessings with a hand and is adorned with various kinds of glowing jewels. She grants the wishes of devotees with fruitful results. She is attended by Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, and all others. She has on her sides the Lotus, Conch, and all treasures, and is the abode of all Powers.
Hey, Lotus-Eyed and Lotus-Handed Goddess, wearing a fragrant garland of pure-white flowers!
O, consort of Hari, and protector of all the three worlds, please bless us with your motherly grace.
Lakshmeem, ksheera samudraraaja tanayaam, shreeranga dhaaEshwareem,
daaseebhoota samasta dEva vanitaam, lokaika deepaamkuraam,
Shriman manda kataaksha labdha vibhava brahmEndra gangaa dharaam,
tvaam trilOkya kutumbineem, sarasijaam, vandE mukunda priyaam || (2)
daaseebhoota samasta dEva vanitaam, lokaika deepaamkuraam,
Shriman manda kataaksha labdha vibhava brahmEndra gangaa dharaam,
tvaam trilOkya kutumbineem, sarasijaam, vandE mukunda priyaam || (2)
Meaning of the Above Hymn:
O Goddess Lakshmi, Daughter of the King of the Milky Ocean! Who resides in Sri Ranga Dhamam, and is attended to by all divine ladies! You are the sole Glowing Light for this entire Universe. O Goddess, who is the Beloved of Mukunda; residing in the chest of Vishnu, you are obtaining the glory of cheerful (blessing) glances from Brahma and Gangadhar (Shiva). You are the dweller of all the three worlds!
maatar: namaami, kamalE, kamalaayataakshi,
Shri Vishnu hritkamala vaasini, vishva maata,
ksheerOdajE, kamala kOmala garbha Gouri,
Lakshmii praseeda satatam namataam sharaNyE || (3)
Shri Vishnu hritkamala vaasini, vishva maata,
ksheerOdajE, kamala kOmala garbha Gouri,
Lakshmii praseeda satatam namataam sharaNyE || (3)
Meaning of the Above Hymn:
O Mother, I pray to you. You are Lotus-bodied, lotus-eyed, and reside in the lotus-like chest of Vishnu. You are the Mother of worlds and offspring of the Milky Ocean, with a glowing lotus-delicate womb.
O Goddess Lakshmi, I surrender to you. Please always be gracious to me.
Word-To-Word Meanings of Lakshmi Stuti Lyrics
Sloka (1)
Meanings of words:
vande = salutations, padma = lotus, karaam = having hands (like lotus) or holding (a lotus) in hand, prasanna = smiling, vadanaam = faced, soubhaagya = fortune or wellness of the spouse, bhaagya = prosperity, daam = giver, hasta = hands, aabhyaam = medium, abhaya = protection, pradaam = granting, mani = glowing jewel, ganair = others (accessories), naanaa = many, vidha = varieties, bhooshitaam= decorated, bhakta = devotee, abheest = desires, phala = results, pradaam = giver or granter, Hari = Vishnu, Hara = Shiva, Brahma = the creator Brahma, aadibhi = and others, sevitaam = worshipped by, paarshve = on the sides, pankaja = lotus, shankh = the conch, padma = lotus, nidhibhir = treasures, yuktaam = possession, sadaa = always, shakti bhihi = powered.
sarasija nayane = lotus-eyed; saroja haste = her hands are like lotus (soft and beautiful); dhavalataraamsuka = of pure white glow; gandhamaalya = fragrant garland; shObhE = decorated; bhagavati = Goddess; Harivallabhe = consort of Hari or Vishnu; tribhuvana bhoota = living beings of the three worlds; kari praseeda = please do protect; ahyam = always.
Sloka (2)
Meanings of words:
Lakshmim = to Goddess Lakshmi, ksheer = milk, samudra = ocean, raja = king, tanayaam = daughter, sriranga = name of a place named Sri Rangam in Tamil Nadu, dhaameshwari = Goddess of that place, daasi bhoota = having as servants or getting the services, samasta = all, deva = divine, vanitha = women, loka = world, eka = one or only one, deepaamkuri = emerging light, Sriman = God Vishnu on whose chest Lakshmi resides, manda = serene, kataaksh = glance, labdh = possess, vibhav = prosperity, Brahmendra = Lord Brahma, Gangaa dharaam = one who wears Ganga (Lord Shiva),
tvaam = you, trilokya = three worlds, kutumbineem = having as an abode, sarasija = born from the lotus, Vande = praying with folded hands, Mukund = Vishnu's another name, priyaam = beloved.
Sloka (3)
Meanings of words:
maata = mother, namaami = to offer reverence, kamale = lotus bodied, kamalaayata = wide like petals of lotus, akshi = having eyes, Vishnu = God, hrit kamal = lotus like chest, vaasini = resident, vishwa maata = world's mother, ksheera = milk, udaja = sprouted or offspring, kamal komal = delicate like lotus, garbh = womb, Gouri = shining, glowing bodied, Lakshmi = Goddess, praseeda = to be pleased, satatam = always for ever, namataam = paying respect, sharanye = surrendering.
Lakshmi Stuti Lyrics in Hindi
वन्दे पद्मकराम प्रसन्न वदनाम सौभाग्यदाम भाग्यदाम
हस्ताभ्याम् अभय प्रदाम् मणि गणैः नाना विधै: भूषिताम्
भक्ताभीश्ट फल प्रदाम् हरिहर ब्रह्मादिभि: सेविताम्
पार्श्वे पंकज शंख पद्म निधिर्भ्युक्ताम् सदा शक्तिभिः ||
सरसिज नयने सरोजहस्ते धवळा तरामसुक गन्धमाल्य शोभे
भगवति हरिवल्लभे मनोज्ञे त्रिभुवन भूतिकरि प्रसीद मह्यं ॥
लक्ष्मीम् क्षीर समुद्रराज तनयाम् श्रीरंग धामेश्वरीम्
दासीभूत समस्त देव वनिताम् लोकैक दीपांकुरॉम
श्रीमन मन्द कटाक्ष लभ्द विभव ब्रह्मेन्द्र गंगाधराम्
त्वाम त्रैलोक्य कुटुम्बिनीम् सरसिजाम् वन्दे मुकुन्द प्रियाम् ॥
मातर्नमामि कमले कमलायताक्षि
श्री विष्णु हृत्कमल वासिनि विश्वमात
क्षीरोदजे कमल कोमल गर्भ गौरि
लक्ष्मी प्रसीद सततम् नमताम् शरण्ये ॥
So, the above are the slokas in the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, which can be recited in a melodious form also as Songs.
Lakshmi's worship can be beneficial in two ways.
The first advantage is, that she gets pleased more easily and grants your wishes.
The second one is, that if Lakshmi gets pleased, then Vishnu also gets pleased and grants His blessings abundantly.
The second one is, that if Lakshmi gets pleased, then Vishnu also gets pleased and grants His blessings abundantly.
You can do it in a very simple method without going through that elaborate worship mode practiced by many others. If you can sincerely worship her with these simple lyrics, they are enough to obtain her grace.
If you are interested in spending more time with the Goddess, you can perform the kumkuma archana reciting the 108 names of Her. Here is the link for 108 names of Sri Lakshmi.